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Where’s The Vaccine For The Following?

Cry me a river over Covid with almost 7 million deaths globally to date. My daughter is fighting for her life at this very moment. Why? Read on. Oh, lest you skim over it…5 million die EVERY YEAR from Sepsis.

”Sepsis is a highly complex and lethal syndrome with highly heterogeneous clinical manifestations that makes it difficult to detect and treat. It is also one of the major and most urgent global public health challenges. More than 30 million people are diagnosed with Sepsis each year, with 5 million attributable deaths and long-term sequalae among survivors.

The organs more frequently affected are kidneys, liver, lungs, heart, central nervous system, and hematologic system. This multiple organ failure is the hallmark of sepsis and determines patients’ course from infection to recovery or death.“

” Organ Dysfunction in Sepsis: An Ominous Trajectory From Infection To Death”,infection%20to%20recovery%20or%20death

From her text: “I am very, very sick. I have sepsis infection of the BLOOD, GUT and KIDNEYS. Extremely dehydrated.” She may once again have endocarditis.

Her BP when paramedics were called was 70/40. She passed out several times in the “bus” and had to be revived. She has a full body heating pad, and is catheterized,

She has Orthostatic Hypertension & Orthostatic Hypotension. She passes out several times a day if she stands. She looks like she’s been attacked with all of the injuries she acquires when passing out by slamming her face against hard surroundings. Bruises, cuts, concussions, etc.

I ask again. Where is the vaccine for sepsis? 5 million dead EACH YEAR from sepsis. Total dead from Covid almost 7 million.

Edit: I’m well aware vaccines aren’t for bacterial infections. I’m just p***ed off!


I'm sorry for your daughter, that sounds terrible for her (and for you.)


Thank you! 🙏🏻


That really sucks if it's true. Fairly sure the answer might lie in the first sentence of what you posted:

"Sepsis is a highly complex and lethal syndrome with highly heterogeneous clinical manifestations that makes it difficult to detect and treat."

Sepsis is not caused by a particular viral or bacterial strain, but rather it is a response by the body's immune system to a to a range of external conditions and circumstance.

Recovering from surgery in a dirty bed.
A tampon that was dropped on the bathroom floor.
Being too old.

Those can all lead to sepsis. There's no one-sized fits all preventative way to mitigate all those factors, not to mention whatever else can compromise an immune system.

This is essentially asking where's the vaccine for AIDS. If we could figure out how to protect the body's immune system from everything, I agree that would be nice!


Sepsis is not caused by a particular viral or bacterial strain, but rather it is a response by the body's immune system to a to a range of external conditions and circumstance...There's no one-sized fits all preventative way to mitigate all those factors, not to mention whatever else can compromise an immune system.

Exactly. Vaccines have to be developed to fight a specific pathogen.


“That really sucks if it's true.” Care to elaborate? Is it true about my daughter having Sepsis? Or what I quoted from the medical web site? Did I mention her Central Nervous System has gone to hell in a hand basket. I knew Sepsis isn’t viral when I wrote the OP about a vaccine. I’m just a mother who is very concerned and angry. Sepsis is caused by bacteria so antibiotics is the treatment, but with her the course of treatment has to be cautioned because she has C-Dif.

BTW, a tampon doesn’t have to be “dropped on the bathroom floor.” to acquire Sepsis. Sepsis can come from leaving a tampon in too long which was the case of a young woman who died.


I was expressing sympathy for your daughter's diagnosis and providing some hypothetical examples of what might contribute to sepsis.

May the pendulum of health swing the other way.


Thank you. I’m just super sensitive right now. Last week we buried my best friend of 65 years. We went to high school together and she was my Maid of Honor. I just can’t stop grieving and 😭 all the time. I assisted in her daily care for the last 1 1/2 years. Now this. I honestly believe the reason my daughter continues to live is her age. God isn’t through with me yet. I tended to my husband the last 3 years of his life, then my beloved friend, so now He needs me for my daughter…then I will be gone.


Hello kspkap! I'm very sorry for your losses and I really hope your daughter gets well soon. God needs to give one of his special helpers a little break right now!


Thank you! May God Bless you with many Blessings!🙏🏻🙏🏻


He has already, far more than I deserve.


I'm so sorry your daughter is so ill and suffering.


Thank you GlenE for your empathy.🙏🏻


Deepest sympathy for you and your family, I hope your daughter pulls through and is 100% as soon as possible!

But as for Sepsis, Sepsis is basically the body's reaction to a life-threatening infection, and that infection can be caused by any kind of bacteria, virus, or fungus. So while there are vaccines that prevent specific bacteria or viruses from making us sick, there's no vaccine that can protect us from them all.


Thank you so very much. Her C-Dif has become active again which is taking a toll on her body.


I'm really sorry about that! Not only because it's a very dangerous pathogen, but because the treatment can be unpleasant as well.

Best of luck to your daughter, and your whole family, and to whatever scientists are working on a C-Diff vaccine. I mean, if they have to pick individual bacteria to vaccinate against, that would be a good one!


There is one, that I know of, antibiotic developed for C-Diff. The problem with her is she needs antibiotics to treat the Sepsis. Which of course exacerbates the C-Diff. The only cure for C-Diff is a fecal transplant.


Sorry to hear about this. I remember you mentioning in the past that she suffers from recurrent c-diff. I hope you guys can find a treatment plan that works.


The problem with her was she desperately needed antibiotics for the Sepsis. To which caused the C-Diff to raise its ugly head. Most of us are aware being catheterized can cause other problems such as more infections. She had to be catheterized due to the C-Diff infecting the urethra. It’s just a damn loopy loop.


I’m so sorry for what you two are going through. May she make a full recovery 🙏.


Thank you for your concern. The only assistance I can give her is prayer. 🙏🏻🙏🏻


I’m sorry to hear this. I hope she recovers soon.


Thank you Wan King. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. I was saving the following for a day full of levity, but I need some of that levity today.


”8 of the Ugliest, Most Hated Buildings in London”

#4 is a hoot!




Thank you distant Pollack Cousin. I really appreciate you caring. I would love some Polish food right now.


May your daughter recover soon, ok?


I can’t begin to thank you all so much for wishing & praying for my daughter to have better health. Thank you again! 😢
