MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Holidays and crowded places...?

Holidays and crowded places...?

Do you like big cities? I'm talking real big cities like a million or more easy. And when you go on holidays somewhere for pleasure travel, do you prefer big cities, or far less crowded places? Why or why not? I live in a city with just over 100,000. I like the idea of being in quieter less crowded places, even though I've visited cities such as LA, Chicago, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur to name a few.


Basically, i prefer less crowded places if i wanna know about culture, history of countries


I'd never live in a big city. I mean I visit them, there's always something interesting to do in a big city, but damn. The crowding and traffic and too much concrete make me feel stressed after a little while, and I have to get away.


Same here. I didn't move to a big city until I was in my early teens. And holy shit, it was way too loud & way too crowded.

Never thought I'd ever miss small towns but I do.


The older I get, the smaller I want the town I live in to be!

I think that's normal, as you start to get older, you want a smaller world to have to deal with.


When I was young, thought big cities were cool.
Now, can't stand them at all.


I can take'em or leave'em.



Depends on the type of holiday.

Generally, big cities are great to visit, but you wouldn’t want to live there.
