MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Your thoughts on people who constantly p...

Your thoughts on people who constantly post pictures of their kids on social media?

This seems something many people find annoying. When parents post every little thing their kids do on social media 24/7 (I.e taking naps, watching movies, ate all their peas, went to sleep at 8am rather than 8:30am, etc).

Personally, I don't really care. Worst case scenario, I mute all the notifications. That was when I had Facebook but don't anymore.

--Michael D. Clarke


They're just as annoying as people who post pictures of what they're eating. Cannibals must be really annoying.


I hear there's a trend among older kids, they cover their noses with their hands whenever someone tries to take a picture of them for social media... without their consent.

Some kids have realized that they ought to have a say


Especially for a hardcore introvert like me! I'm so glad I grew up in the 90s and not today!

--Michael D. Clarke


I'm older, but agree, I'm very glad to have been spared that shit as a kid, and I feel sorry for the kids who have to put with it now! Because the parents are all putting up carefully staged pics of their kids, as to project the image of a perfect family, and usually that means endless criticism of the kids for ruining the parents' vision of the perfect family, once the family is in private. That shit was bad enough when my parents were just trying to convince all the other suburban parents at the PTA, it'd have been 100x worse if they thought they were social media stars, like everyone today does.


I'd call it extremely irresponsible and a sign that the parents have no life outside of social media and childcare. They obviously don't care about their kids' safety, because putting their kids' image on the web is dangerous to a certain degree.

In the 90s, when the internet was new, we were all warned; do not tell anyone your real name, don't tell people your address, don't share your phone number, and don't put a photo of yourself online. What have people been doing on social media? All of that, including sharing stuff about their personal lives, believing the lies companies like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Twatter(X) told them about "protecting their privacy." None of those companies protected jack shit. They sold that info to third-party companies so they could get a cut of the profits from advertising. It's also why people can get doxxed so easily online now. Just go to their social media!

Also, a lot of people still seem to be unaware, that one reason fear of child predators skyrocketed came from the fact that the internet, since its inception, made it far too easy for them to stalk kids online, causing them to become far more aggressive and clever at finding prey, and social media has made it super-easy now. Posting images of your kids online could make them targets for such monsters.

It's ten times worse for VIPs who have kids, because the children could be targeted by enemies.

But hey, who cares about kids' safety so long as you can get cute points online from your friends?


Agree. I call it "digital narcissism".

--Michael D. Clarke


That also worries me too. The way social media and the attention people get from it fosters that kind of attitude and behavior.


It doesn't bother me, as long as the kids agreed to have their picture posted and there is no personal, identifiable information shown in the picture (ie. address, name of school, etc.).


no personal, identifiable information shown in the picture ie address, name of school, etc


Is Friesland the name of a school or a person? If it is, then it would be identifiable, but just the word friesland could be almost anything.


It's the name of a place in The Netherlands which has a local street and school named after it here in the UK for some reason.


I would not do it.


I avoid all social media and rarely answer the phone.
Problem solved Bro.
