MovieChat Forums > Alfred Hitchcock Discussion > Are there any younger fans of Hitchcock ...

Are there any younger fans of Hitchcock on here?

I'm a guy who's 20 years old and I'm a big fan of Hitchcock. I started watching his work earlier this year and I've seen a total of 19 films of his and I've liked all of them. 3 of them are in my top 20 favourite films of all time, which are North by Northwest, Strangers on a Train and Vertigo (which is my personal favourite Hitchcock film and it's in my top 5 favourite films).

I'm sure there are many people on this board in their 30s to 40s, so it'd be nice to know any people my age, or teenagers, who really like Alfred Hitchcock.


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I'm 24. I've loved Hitchcock since I was 20.

"It's hard for me to watch American Idol because I have perfect pitch."
-Jenna, 30 Rock


I'm 26. I have been watching his tv shows ever since I can remember. My mom really liked his tv shows. One year she bought me movie set. I know of Hitchcock because of my mom.


I'm nearly 22, and I've been interested since I was 18. I've seen 36 of his films so seems I still have quite a bit to go!

I also consider Vertigo one of my favorites.


I'm 24 and I have loved Hitchcock since I was 17. I've seen 50 of his feature length films and 3 of his short films.


17. Watching Strangers on a Train as we speak.


25 here, I don't remember when I first started enjoying Hitchcock. I honestly don't remember not knowing who Hitchcock was. I was probably around 12 when I started actively seeking out his movies on VHS.

My short films:


21, and have been a big fan since seeing Rear Window when I was 13. If I were to pick a favourite director, it would be Hitchcock.

"Life after death is as improbable as sex after marriage"- Madeline Kahn(CLUE, 1985)
