MovieChat Forums > Woody Allen Discussion > Apropos of Nothing: Thanks Arcade!

Apropos of Nothing: Thanks Arcade!

Arcade Publishing is the only company brave enough to stand up to the fake news Me Too "movement" to publish this legend's memoirs. On Kindle for $14, it exposes Me Too for the false narrative it is famous for. Meanwhile we get the firsthand look at everything from Sleeper to Annie Hall. If anyone notices Woody's classic films have actors that support him, e.g. Diane Keaton, Alec Baldwin, etc.These are the ones with integrity. I never liked Natalie Portman, Mira Sorvino, and the others whom he made stars then sold him out for 30 pieces of silver.


I don't know that they got anything for selling Woody out, or that they did in fact sell him out. I don't know why those people lined up on the side against Woody, or if they felt they had to. Maybe they just did not have a connection to Woody, or he did not treat them like they thought he would or ... it just sounds to me that what people do in case where no one really knows for sure, and it is a family issue that has exploded into the public - it is some personal thing with them ... and either way it is awkward to be in the public.

What I understand Woody is supposed to have done is to touch their adopted daughter one time when she was up in an attic, which Moses Farrow claimed did not even exist, after Mia broke up with Woody. I don't know what would be an appropriate way to look at that even if he did what was claimed. So the continuous shoving of this in the face of the public just seems like pure hate on the part of Mia and Dylan Farrow, and now that Ronan is famous for defending women and pointing out the abuses of powerful men, it would be completely against his own branding to defend Woody.

This all seems to vicious and calculated that all of them look bad, but who can really understand? It is not right. Woody has made a lot of movies and never been accused of anything before or after that incident or non-incident.


Well said. Yes as opposed to Cosby, Weinstein, and Epstein who've had many accusers (whether or not they deserved virtual death sentences is a whole other can of worms). I didn't mean they got anything in terms of quick cash, but what they got was being accepted in the now Me Too dominated Hollywood set, so they won't be ostracized too. I.e. they didn't just cave to pressure, they sold themselves out, but donated their salaries from Woody's films because they knew otherwise they would not make future salaries from his enemies. As for Ronan, I like him, but feel he's misguided and it's in his self-promoting interest to exaggerate. Wonder if he'll ever get a DNA test so we'll know who his father really is!


Hooray! I'm buying it for sure! Might wait for paperback because I like the feel of paperback better, but I'm definitely getting this.

Up with Arcade Publishing! It's nice when publishers have spines. Pun INTENDED.

The celebrities who denounced Woody very recently always baffled me. The accusation has been around since the late '80s/early '90s - they didn't know???
