MovieChat Forums > Woody Allen Discussion > It's not his fault all these fall in lov...

It's not his fault all these fall in love with him,

i mean look at him he is a total chad, looks like a fckin male supermodel. Come on guys


Lol, he is so ugly I don't see any appeal whatsoever. And I have never believed looks are everything but I cannot even imagine having to look at that face while having relations, if you know what I'm saying.

I'd need two bags... one for his head and one for mine in case his fell off.


young women these days... all they want is a hot guy like woody.


Such naivety on display here. Are you all 5 years old?

The laws of attraction are incredibly complex, and it rarely has anything to do with looks.



He is the absolute blueprint of an attractive man, especially at his age, no wonder his step daughter fell in love with him. Young women in love amirite lol?


I can't believe people think you're serious.


hmm might be because it was a bad joke, looking back at it now 7 months after.


I can believe that Keaton and maybe Louise Lasser fell in love with him, all those years ago. In those days they were all bright, talented, funny, insecure, awkward misfits, and sometimes, a kindred spirit means more than looks.

But then he aged into a self-absorbed monster.
