MovieChat Forums > Gillian Anderson Discussion > What is her natural accent?

What is her natural accent?

I know she's bidialectal and her accent depends on her location, as she easily shifts between her American and British accents but what is her accent when she is at home chilling?

I'm black, gay, and a nerd; just staying alive is an act of protest.


English, as she's been living there since '02.


I don't know. When she's in the UK she uses her British accent and when she's in the US she uses her American accident. Although I have seen interviews of her in other countries where she has used her American accent. Who knows? Very few people have the luxury or opportunity to be bidialectal.


I moved to Canada when i was 23, after about 5 years my accent started to do a curious thing without me realizing. When i was at home with my family, I spoke with my natural English accent, but when i would leave the house it would automatically switch to a Canadian accent whilst talking to a Canadian (I didn't know this was happening until my parents pointed it out). The same thing must be happening to Gillian Anderson, it really is a subconscious thing that you can't help doing.


I use my American "accident" all the time. It can be hard not to. LOL

Don't worry I know what you meant.


I speak Chinese when I'm in a Chinese restaurant and English when I leave
The IMDB message boards you either die a good poster,or live long enough to become the troll


Oh please. All this talk about her "British" accent being real is absurd. Anyone that thinks its anything more than an affectation is a fool.

Anderson was raised in the United States and has spent the vast majority of her life living there. No one develops that strong a Brit accent by just living in the U.K. for a few years.

Why does she fake the accent? Uh, for the same reason Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow did when they lived in the U.K. for a while. She's a friggin' loon is why. For God's sake, she named her sons Felix and Oscar, after the characters in The Odd Couple play.


Try reading her bio before you make a fool out of yourself next time!


I have a similar story to Adzyb, except not Canada but the US, and I've wound up bidialectal. Back in the UK when I speak to Brits I sound British.

But when I'm home alone talking to myself going "oh no I forgot to buy butter" -- I sound American again. Same when I talk to pets and other animals, and to people who know my bi-national history, and with whom I've become comfortable and they wont give me a hard time over it.

It's genuine and mostly unconscious, although I would say with strangers and in certain circumstances I do have a conscious decision I'd better stick to the accent that would cause the least fuss and unwanted attention.
