MovieChat Forums > Gillian Anderson Discussion > Her voice !! ?? (xfiles reboot)

Her voice !! ?? (xfiles reboot)

What happened to her voice in the xfiles? Sounds like she smokes lots of cigarette... :s

You will rise... from the ashes... of this world !


She sounded younger in the flashback scenes with William so maybe it's intentional who knows?


She used to be a smoker from her teen years until after the first run of The X-Files ended when she was in her early 30s.


As you get older, your voice changes. She said herself her voice is deeper. She's 47. I'll be 38 and my voice is not the same than it was ten years ago.

Also her voice was raspy in the second epi, I read that both her and Duchovny were sick when they were shooting the second episode.

I don't mind Anderson's voice at all but I do mind Duchovny's monotone mumbling and he looks terrible in this revival. The makeup could be a lot better in my opinion. Because he looks better in real life.


It would make sense to let Scully sound worn-out and depressed. But I just finished her audio book of her second novel "A Dream of Ice", and her voice is very scratchy there too in the first few chapters, then it gets better. So my guess is it was an actual health issue she had for a couple of weeks last year.

I used to have an X-Files quote in my signature.


In my experience, voices don't change much, before heading into old age, unless some health issues or substance abuse (primarily smoking or very heavy alcohol use0 played a role.

I'm in my 40s and sound almost exactly like when I was 20. A little more refined, perhaps, but the tone is very similar. Many known figures sound very similar; especially ones known for their voice (vocal exercises help a lot, too).

If Gillian smoked, it could explain a lot, as well as why she had work done and uses botox.

You spell God with a G, I spell Nature with an N. Capital. - Frank Lloyd Wright


If Gillian smoked, it could explain a lot, as well as why she had work done and uses botox.

She hasn't been smoking for years and she doesn't drink. Also she didn't have any work done or used botox.


She hasn't been smoking for years and she doesn't drink.
Regular smoking can cause damage which can promote changes, even years after smoking has ceased. Essentially the damage from years earlier means the aging process in those delicate structures will be more pronounced. Just like a road which has been weakened will show more wear as trucks drive over it, over the years, than a road which was solid.

As for drinking, do we know that or is that just supposition based on not having hear otherwise?

Also she didn't have any work done or used botox.

Looking at her images suggests otherwise.

You spell God with a G, I spell Nature with an N. Capital. - Frank Lloyd Wright


I was just thinking that her voice sounds different too, I thought I'd come on here to see if anyone else has noticed it! Haha
