Starmeter- #3!?

So GA is currently listed as #3 in imdb's startmeter right now (DD is in the 40s for comparison). That seems surprising, even though she is awesome. Does that mean she's the third most talked about celebrity in the world right now?!


That's so cool!

Yeah, people only care about DD 

But I have love in my heart - Yes, as a thief has riches, a usurer money


The IMDb starmeter tracks which profiles are getting the most views during the week. It's updated weekly. It's based on IMDb stats alone - and isn't really a reflection on a global perspective. It's sort of works like Twitter trends and sometimes are as ephemeral.

Unsurprisingly Gillian and David are popular right now because of The X-Files' return and the wealth of coverage on IMDb and everywhere else since it premiered.

The show too is tracking high in the rankings.


Gillian's been in top 100 for the past three weeks and has been constantly in top 500 for probably two years, sometimes even entering top 100. So it's not just because of the X-files. At this moment, yes but not always.


Well of course The X-Files is what has propelled her to the top 10 - which is the context of this thread as I believe. I'm not saying she isn't a popular actress in her own right.


Still cool, given the importance of Imdb. 

But I have love in my heart - Yes, as a thief has riches, a usurer money


I was wondering about it too.

How come? First, I thought Duchovny is the more popular of the two (even though Anderson is more talented). Second, it's unusual for a 40-something woman to be highly popular unless she stars in box office breaking feature films.

All in all, it's probably a misleading statistic data of some kind, and doesn't reflect her true popularity and bankability.

(Please don't reply with some stupid fangirlish Gillian Anderson defending/praising post, I didn't criticize her. If you think so, read my post again. And again.)


I was wondering about it too.

How come? First, I thought Duchovny is the more popular of the two (even though Anderson is more talented).

You were wrong. And if you look at both actors' starmeters in the week after their show premiered, Duchovny's rose by 253, and Anderson's - by 24, so it's not she who benefits from The X-Files boost the most. The link below could be a real eye-opener.

Second, it's unusual for a 40-something woman to be highly popular unless she stars in box office breaking feature films.

It's not unusual. Scully is one of the most iconic scripted TV characters worldwide. Also, Anderson had a number of popular and critically acclaimed projects: Hannibal may have been too sophisticated for the American network audiences, but it got a lot of love in Europe and The Fall was/is quite a hit on Netflix, and the play she did was broadcast in cinemas all over the world.

All in all, it's probably a misleading statistic data of some kind, and doesn't reflect her true popularity and bankability.

But of course you wouldn't have questioned the validity of the starmeter had it been a ranking number for a male star. ;) She's popular: was regularly in IMDB 500 for years, and quite often in the first 100. Get over it.

(Please don't reply with some stupid fangirlish Gillian Anderson defending/praising post, I didn't criticize her. If you think so, read my post again. And again.)

LMAO. Your post isn't exactly "Ulysses". How about this: get over yourself, too. It's an online forum, not your private club.


And here we go: I got the fangirlish response filled with frustration I knew I would get.
