MovieChat Forums > Rowan Atkinson Discussion > Why do people love him

Why do people love him

I made the remark that I didn't think he was funny when I found out they were making a Johnny English 2. People bashed me and slammed like I was talking bad about religion or something. What is the appeal of a grown man climbing up a high dive then acting like a little baby and not wanting to jump. All the British people on that board were acting like their comedy takes a mathamatical formula to figure out.


Because this man is so much more than Johnny English (which I found so bad I didn't bother watching the whole film). Many of us love him primarily for his deathly sharp sarcasm as Black Adder, and his Mr Bean.

The humour of Mr Bean in that specific trampoline act is to watch a grown man act as a child while trying to keep up the All Man appearance. But I suppose that the subtlety of the "you-just-don't-behave-that-way"-humour is lost in this modern world where many of those social skills and behavioural taboos are lost. If you have grown up watching 'Beavis and Butthead' and 'Pranked', I suppose Mr Bean is rather lame.


the low witted unfortunately are the majority.


Why do people love him

Because he was brilliant in Blackadder and nothing can take that away from him, to be honest.

Emojis=💩 Emoticons=


I love mr bean. He's funny.....


I have noticed that particularly with the new generation, the kids of today don't get mr. bean at all. To me, Mr. Bean is an example of how it's ok to be eccentric in a society that forces everyone to adhere to the 'norms.' It also gives us courage to bring out the child in ourselves, which most of us are afraid to do because we're conditioned to 'act our age.'

In a world that is dark and serious as it is, Mr. Bean is eccentric humour at its best and that's why that and all the above it appeals to me personally. Everybody else may have their own reasons.


Sadly, I suspect the modern British (of which I am one) passive aggressive inferiority/superiority complex in why some like watching Mr Bean.

Like 'Oh he dresses in an ill fitting suit. How NAIVE'. As if dressing in tracksuit bottoms when you're not training is a normal thing to do.

Or overweight slobs who regard him as a stick thin weed.

'He's so childlike. What's he hiding? Probably a paedophile.'

This is the psyche of much of the British.


Haha... I think it is ok to not like certain people. It is perfectly fine and people shouldn't be bashing you because you have diff tastes.

To me, Rowan Atkinson is a very funny guy...
