MovieChat Forums > Kim Basinger Discussion > Does Kim have Asperger's syndrome?

Does Kim have Asperger's syndrome?

Daryl Hannah has suggested that her Asperger’s as played a hand in wrecking her career. In a nutshell, she said: “I never went on talk shows, never went to premieres. Going to the Academy Awards was so painful for me. I’d almost faint just walking down the red carpet. I was so socially awkward and uncomfortable that I eventually got blacklisted.”

“Studio executives would call me but I’d be too shy to call them back. So after a while a couple of studios literally told my manager that I was blacklisted.”

Asperger’s syndrome wasn’t as known now as it was say, during the supposed peaks of Kim Basinger (who like Hannah, always seems very private, shy, and uncomfortable in front of the paparazzi) and Daryl Hannah’s careers. Therefore, it would’ve been easy to look at these as cases them coming across as extremely stand-offish, eccentric, and frustratingly aloof.

Kim's parents when she was really young, thought that she may have been autistic since she was always so withdrawn and quiet.


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I don't see how they act and get naked in front of people if they are so shy


Having Asperger's is not the same as being shy.

can't outrun your own shadow


people with asburgers arn't shy. They are often percieved as being asholes cause they seem to be socially insinsitive. Ie they are perceived as unafraid of being rude.


I was always shy. I could articulate with anyone. but am shy.
I dislike crowds and interacting with more than one person at a time can be painful.
I prayed not to be called up to the blackboard at school or called out to play in team sports. I still avoid any kind of social gatherings and more than one person has mentioned I seem "socially awkward" I can manage my life, but prefer to be alone.
many a actor/actress say they are shy and can play a character, but have a hard time being themselves. the autism thing is a silly term people use to basically "attack" anyone who is shy. I don't believe shyness and autism are the same thing.
while you can have crippling shyness and that can impede your learning.
I always loved reading and learning new things. but on my own terms and alone.
I do feel people who are shy/introverts are singled out as 'strange' 'eccentric'
'weird' and seem to be disliked. maybe because the social 'norm' is to be outgoing and popular. shy people are always a target for hate, bullied at school and just over-looked.
funny thing is I don't like being around loud people who love attention.
so my shyness/introversion works for me. I doubt Kim ever marries again. and after the Baldwin fiasco and stress, who could blame her?
I am amazed she still wants to act! she must be well-off and no real need to work.
maybe she likes to stay in there and enjoys the acting. if it wee me, I would have quit after making a few million and bid Hollywood Bye-Bye.


Wow, we have quite a bit in common!

George Lucas talking about: 'Hey, give it to me, I'll fix it. I'll make 20 more of them'


I have been called weird and strange and Elusive and all that.

But I will keep to myself other than go bat crap crazy with people's drama!

I don't think Kim is weird. I was friends with someone on FB who is from Kim's hometown.
she said they consider her crazy. one just builds a kind of bubble around themselves.


I have no absolute fact to support it, but anecdotal evidence supports the fact that she is another bat shit crazy bipolar actress/actor.

The cover story for Basinger is she has “social anxiety disorder” which goes hand in glove with being bipolar. My ex owned a bar and could not stand to be around people due to anxiety, unless she was drinking. I mistakenly held a surprise birthday party for her and after the surprise she pulled me into the kitchen and punched me in the face. “Saying don’t you EVER do anything like this again!”


Maybe Kim let her light of fame dim on purpose because she did a lot of soul searching and decided that the glitzy, phony, fickle world of Hollywood was really not for her. I think she probably also felt very weary from getting raked over the coals in her personal life post that last divorce.
