current pic of her

I think she has aged well, despite having past drug issues, which can really age you prematurely.

I was never a big fan, I recall her on OLTL as LeeAnn, and a primetime soap where she played a vixen. Jack Wagner and Victoria Principal also starred on it.


She looks good. People assume the skinny high makeup plastic surgery starlets are the standard. If you're 55, healthy or working towards your health, and engaged with your family, you're looking just fine.

She was great in Baseketball. It's a dumb movie but she was a good choice.


She probably had a hard time in Hollywood, keeping herself looking a certain way, and I know she had a cocaine addiction that wore away her nose. She actually looks quite happy in that pic. Different, but happy.


You gotto be joking - aged well?
How do you define someone not aging well?
If, in your 50's, you weigh 3 times as much as you did in your 20's, you did not age well.


Agreed, she didn’t age well.

Jenny McCarthy, is an example of aging incredibly well, to point one person.


People get old. It happens.
