MovieChat Forums > Matthew Broderick Discussion > ☝️ Pop vs. Box πŸ‘‡ '83 - '11

☝️ Pop vs. Box πŸ‘‡ '83 - '11

Card 96

Key -

B - box office rank for year
P - current popular ranking for year
πŸ€” - most obscure

Note - Mr. Broderick's voice work for animation and narration not included on list

83 Max Dugan Returns B40 P109
83 WarGames B4 P7
85 1918 - no data
85 Ladyhawke B50 P41
86 Ferris Bueller's Day Off B8 P4
86 On Valentine's Day - no data
87 Project X B59 P119
88 Biloxi Blues B23 P128
88 Torch Song Trilogy - no data
89 Family Business B80 P152
89 Glory B42 P23
90 The Freshman B57 P96
92 Out on a Limb B163 P224
93 The Night We..πŸ€” B164 B255
94 Mrs. Parker/Vicious.. B173 P239
94 The Road to Wellville B134 P131
96 The Cable Guy B23 P43
96 Infinity - no data
97 Addicted to Love B60 P103
98 Godzilla B9 P41
98 Walking to the Waterline - nd
99 Election B99 P38
99 Inspector Gadget B22 P75
00 You Can Count on Me B134 P91
03 The Music Man - no data
04 Maria and Bruce - no data
04 The Stepford Wives B50 P110
04 The Last Shot - no data
05 The Producers B115 P115
05 Strangers w/ Candy - no data
06 Deck the Halls - seasonal
07 Then She Found Me - no data
08 Diminished Capacity - no data
08 Finding Amanda - no data
10 Wonderful World - no data
11 Margaret - no data
11 Tower Heist B42 P81

Movies scored - 22
Box sum - 1551
Pop sum - 2025

Box avg rank - 70.50
Pop avg rank - 101.13

BA-PA = -30.64

Box top 20 - πŸ’ΎπŸ’ΎπŸ’Ύ
Pop top 20 - πŸ‘‘πŸŒ­

Best box- WarGames (4)
Best pop - Ferris Bueller's Day Off (4)
Worst box - Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle (173)
Worst pop - The Night We Never Met (255)

Pop gainer - Election (+61)
Pop loser - The Night We Never Met (-91)

It is natural for popular rankings to be higher due to the influx of art house, international and straight to video releases. Popular rankings are taken from IMDb and are fluid. Most box office data is taken from The Numbers website (domestic).

Scoring b-p

10+ = excellent
9 to -9 = good
-10 to -29 = average
-30 to -49 = poor
-50 and below = very poor


The Cable Guy B23 P43 = -20(avg)


Excellent (10pts each) = 3
Good (5pts each) = 5
Average (0pts each) = 1
Poor (-5pts each) = 4
Very poor (-10pts each) = 9
Pop top 20 bonus (5pts each) = 2


Mr. Broderick's pop/box library score



Card updated 6/8/23
