MovieChat Forums > Pierce Brosnan Discussion > Deserves More Credit as Bond

Deserves More Credit as Bond

Don't get me wrong, Daniel Craig is doing a fantastic job, but I also don't believe he should only be praised at Brosnan's expense. Whatever your feelings are about Brosnan's take on the character, he deserves credit for reinvigorating the franchise. After all, it was dead...FOR SIX YEARS. While I think that Timothy Dalton's interpretation is underrated, audiences simply didn't warm to him that much. When Brosnan took the role in Goldeneye, he re-popularized the series. Each one of his Bond movies were hits...even his infamous last one. Sure, in retrospect, he wasn't as popular as Craig, but his films still made money, which ultimately brings us to Craig. So whether you care for him or not, Brosnan brought the series back from the dead and made James Bond popular again.


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I agree. Brosnan did a fantastic job as Bond. Him and Connery are the best.


Goldeneye was good but other Brosnan's Bonds were weak and Die Another Day was just disgrace. Brosnan was always Remington Steele, he left me cold as Bond. And it was Casino Royale which brought Bond movies BACK on the right track and grabbed people's imagination again.
Brosnan was too cartoonish and too "comic book - like" smug.
Craig is an improved version of Dalton's Bond, I'd say.


Daniel Craig SAVED Bond from falling into precipice. Casino Royale and Skyfall are among the best Bond movies ever made and Craig is easily better than those in your signature.


Skyfall and Casino Royale are very good films (QoS is easily the worst Bond film) but Craig is pretty lousy, dull Bond.


Well, he isn't lousy or dull to me. On the contrary, in fact. Craig is the first Bond to arouse my other than "plain viewer's" interest in this character. He's the first Bond I find genuinely sexy and full of masculine energy and appeal.
He's a real man, oozing testosterone, looking actually like someone who can kill you and not just "charm you to death", but also capable of showing emotions, sensitivity. He has very manly, deadpan, sarcastic sense of humour and looks excellent in fight scenes.

DAD is easily the worst bond movie ever made. QOS is much better.


I disagree, DAD atleast had a decent first half, QOS did not. It wasn't until after the main villain was introduced that DAD became a total piece of Sh*t. Oh and Halle Berry, she sucked too.

The reason some people don't think fondly of Brosnan as Bond is because of the SCRIPTS that he was given. The reason some people don't think fondly of Craig is because he is wooden as a door.

Craig is dull, simply put he lacks the charisma Brosnan has. Fact. No doubt Casino Royale was a terrific film and Skyfall was great (despite all of the plot holes), but he's just not a great Bond. Craig would be the total package as Bond (like Connery) if he could nail the charisma factor.

In the end, Brosnan will ALWAYS be a better Bond, but Craig will always have the better movies (so far at least.)

& I still stand by The World is Not Enough being a good Bond film, despite what anyone says.


How can u even say that craig plays bond with no expression one of the best parts of bond is the one liners and the unexpected comedic lines craig is an excellent actor but hes to serious by far moore did this best and a second would be brosnan
