MovieChat Forums > Nicolas Cage Discussion > Only in acting do you get criticized for...

Only in acting do you get criticized for working too much.

So what if he is in a million movies?

Think of it. What a lifestyle! You get paid tons of money, go to great places we can only dream of going, hang around hot babes, waited on hand and foot, free food, and do what you dreamed of doing since you were a kid.....making movies.

You telling me that is a bad thing to not want to do it as much as you can?

I love it he will take on just about any role. I admire he is doing what he wants and forgets all the silly, wannabe snob elites looking down their noses.


Didn't nic actually say that himself? That acting is the only job where you get criticised for working TOO MUCH.


He or someone has said it.


Yeah, what a lifestyle. He's millions in debt and whoring himself out to anyone who comes along with a paycheck. I guess that's what happens when you have no idea how money works.
