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hey nicolas, welcome to the end of your career

sadly, strangely every week i see he's in another straight to video b movie. how come he can't get a role in a theater movie anymore? his career ended about 10 years ago right after the last ghost rider and national treasure movie and drive angry. pathetic. he's sadly not going to be like robert de niro where he's in big, theater movies until he dies/is 86 years old. nic's career ended at 45 years old.


Nah. His career will have a huge revival once he starts taking crazy old man roles.


ok, there's not such a thing as a slump as a star in Hollywood. as soon as you lose it, you can't get it back. i mean the only person close to his age who did this whom i can think of is mickey rourke but he only lasted about 5 years and then he went back to obscurity. so, no, sadly nicolas cage is done. ok, how about this is there better odds nicolas makes a comeback and is a star or johnny depp makes a comeback and is a star. i would bet on johnny depp and that's not going to happen ever.


actually there is.... Johnny Depp is his own worst enemy. He just doesn't deliver and has become a caricature of himself. He keeps getting chances but cant give a good performance to save his like.

there are tonnes and tonnes of examples of people making big come backs after years in obscurity or doing failures. Keanu Reeves? Micael Keaton? RDJ?


who is RDJ? yeah, and this one isn't ever going to happen. the thing is hollywood will only give comeback chances to certain actors. if an actor has been too addled with drug problems or is hard to work with then they won't give them a second chance at being a star. so lindsay lohan, charlie sheen will never be a star ever again. the whole time he has not been a star he hasn't done anything, so no there is no such thing as a slump as a star in hollywood. hollywood has always been about trends of stars. the it person. you either are a star or not.


"who is RDJ?"

Robert Downey Jr.?


I air they will only give them a certain amount of comeback chances for sure. they are in it to make money you have to b a proven commodity. But the days of being a box office draw or film carrier on name alone are almost dead, The rock is one of the exceptions. I just mean there are always some indie film, small role or in RDJ's case (Robert downey junior) some role that the actor just perfectly fits and then skyrockets them up again.

Charlie and Lindsay are over for sure, but RDJ was also a former drug addict but also has actually acting skills. There are plenty of has been stars who gave one or two or even quite a few solid even Oscar worthy performances ( Cuba gooding Junior) who can now only get Bmovie role or secondary.

I just feel like Cage in an anomaly who can do a crap tonne of trash inbetween amazing performances just to pay the bills and it doesn't lower his value.


we'll see about that in 10 years. the clock is ticking...but charlie is a great actor, so my point was even a great actor who was a star got into drugs and ruined their career, they won't be given a comeback chance unless they are given the role of a lifetime like robert downey jr. but that is so rare that it's a miracle he got that. that's why nicolas cage doesn't have a high percentage chance of being a star ever again. there was always talk of him playing superman. i wonder if he is too old to play him now? maybe not, look at ben affleck playing batman in his 40s. so a 50s superman maybe?

ok, this is what i think nic cage in all these b movies is an impossible situation to get out of because there's a reason why you are there, you either start out there or you get there, but once you are there after being a star you never become a star again. i mean, can you think of one actor, one actor who has ever done this?

by the way, keanu reeves never had a comeback, if you look at his career, he wasn't a star until the matrix, then he never went away from being a star, he was steadily getting big parts in big movies. some movies were more successful than others.


Cage is still releasing good to great to entertaining content people actually want.

I agree RDJ was the exception not the rule.

If you mean star as in... Arnold, then no like I said they don't exists. If you mean like plenty of good roles. I mean he has done some very well liked and received stuff

-Color out of Space (2019)
-Spidermanan: into the spider verse (2018)
Snowden (2016)
-Ghost rider (2011)
-Sorcerers apprentice (2010)
-Kickass (2010)
-National Treasure (2007)
-Ghostrider 2007

With a crap tonne of schlock B movie roles in between

Now compared to sheen

Machete Kills and scary movie 5......(2013)
Two and a half men (ended 2011)

I just don't think the term star is as rigid as you do I guess. He does a lot of Movie schlock with high budget content too. But also their careers are nothing alike and Charlie may have been good but now isnt.

As For Keuanu its really easy to argue he did go away. he had the matrix (1999) and sequels (both 2003) and Constantine (2005) and Scanner darkly (2006).. John Wick wasn't til 2014.

John wick plus CD projekt Red really ushered in the keanussance.

Also one of the other few people who have had a real come back would be Michael Keaton


what i meant by sheen being a star was when he was a movie star, back in the '80s and '90s. back then he was headlining and being the main star in all of his movies. now, it was only about 5 years, but it was still a substantial amount of time. it was enough time that he qualified as a movie star. it ran from about 1990-1994.

nic cage was a star. it doesn't matter if his movies have been well received in the last 6 years, he hasn't been in a big movie in about 7 years. everytime he comes out in a new movie it's straight to video. and everytime i look at redbox or the bottom of my cable new movie rental listing and his face is on the cover i roll my eyes because it's always a cheap, low rent looking movie, a b movie in the worst way. he's cheapening his career now accepting these movies.

i think what old actors, 50s and older who used to be movie stars do nowadays is go to tv shows. so, nic cage should do the same. if you're too old to hack it in big movies then go to tv shows.

why is charlie not good anymore? he might be retired from acting and that's the only reason you never see him anymore.

what? keanu has always had hit movies. he's had one of the most consistent commercially successful in terms of his movies and his acting career acting careers of all time. so no, he didn't have a come back.
throughout almost his entire career he's had successful big movies, the only change was when he became a movie star with speed. and then he became a big movie star when the matrix came out. he never went away. he's always headlined big movies that make a lot of money.


Don't forget the Croods and the Croods 2 lol. Seriously he's still getting leading voice work in theater releases. He really hasn't lead a successful theater release since 2011. Cage is fantastic but his days as a box-office draw leading man are over. He can still do very interesting work just as a supporting charter or possibly the heavy. Moving to TV would also be good for him if he can pick the right roles.


John Travolta was done in the sun until Pulp Fiction.


Add John Travolta to that list.He spent years in obscurity until Tarantino put him back on the A list.


Man people are so negative these days.


Looks like he is bankrolling that image into a decent payday in a film where he plays himself.


can't wait


Cage is one of those guys who bounces between really bats**t roles that you think will sink his career, then to making some brilliant serious movie that gets all the wreaths. You can't ever count him out. Unless he seriously p***es off the powers-that-be in Hollywood, that is.


The reason why he took so my shitty movie roles is because he was in financial trouble. I've got to give him some respect. He found himself in a hole and worked his ass off to get out of it. Good for him.


First, he aged. Second, his looks faded, hard and fast, and he was never even a great looker to begin with. Third, he clearly has alcohol problems, personal problems, and a reputation for being difficult. No one ever says what a great guy he is or that they liked working with him, while stories about his bad behavior and attitude are rampant. It’s not a secret that he’s not well liked, and apparently for good reason, according to those who’ve worked with him.


National Treasure 3 is on the way also Spider-Verse 2 too is happening


SOoooooo I guess he didn't star in Kick-ass....


Poor guy, he had some great movies too.


Actually his career ended after LLV. Every single movie he made since then bites the big one! I just started to watch Next, another ridiculous terrible film!


what is LLV?


No doubt he's referring to Leaving Las Vegas.


well then he's wrong if he's saying his career ended a few years after leaving las vegas. he still had hit movies with face/off, con air, and the family guy maybe. his career ended right after either ghost rider or national treasure.


Yeah, it's a dumb thing to say. In fact, almost all of my favorite movies of his came after LLV: The Rock, Face/Off, The Weather Man, National Treasure and The Family Man, for instance.

In fact, the only pre-LLV film of his that I'd call a favorite is Guarding Tess.


His career is definitely not what it once was, but it's not over just yet either. Some of his films over the last decade have been worth watching.

I haven't seen every film he's done during that time--I'm missing quite a few actually--but I recommend the following:

Color Out of Space
Mom and Dad
Snowden (a small supporting role only, but hey, he's in it!)

I've heard Mandy is fucking bonkers and not a film that's going to be for everyone, but a lot of people who have seen it love it.


i'm not talking about his career being over as far as making good movies. i'm saying his career as a star in hollywood is over. now it's always direct to video movies. the last theater movie he made was the remake of the wicker man and that was like 15 years ago.

i loved him in bad lieutenant: port of call new orleans, but again straight to video. the same is true of johnny depp, you never see him in a theater movie anymore, not even a tim burton theater movie. the last one was black mass and that movie came out around 2016, so awhile ago.


First off, Bad Lieutenant did not go straight to video. It made about $10 million at the box office and in fact I saw it the theater. I know that Mandy and Color Out of Space also had small theatrical runs as well, and I saw both advertised on the marquee here at my local indie theater. So some of his stuff is still going theatrical, it's just not getting a wide release.

Even after Wicker Man though he had several films go wide. Looking at his filmography I see about 10 films post- Wicker Man that got wide releases, including National Treasure 2, both Ghost Rider films and The Sorcerer's Apprentice. Also Kick Ass, though he wasn't a lead in that one.

You are correct though that his career is not what it once was. I think this was due to multiple box office disappointments in a row. The Sorcerer's Apprentice, The Season of the Witch, Drive Angry and Ghost Rider 2 all performed poorly and I think that was enough for producers to get cold feet. The first three of those came back-to-back and I think it was kind of like three strikes and you're out.

It's a shame because he's awesome and has a cult following, and with the right material he can really elevate a film. A few intrepid producers need to take a chance and cast him in some high-budget projects that have the promise of being great films.


you're wrong, his bad lieutenant went straight to video.


Well then how did it make $10 million in 96 theaters?

Did you miss the part where I said I actually saw it in the theater? That wasn't my imagination.


if it was in theaters then it was in just a few theaters, it wasn't a wide screened shown movie so who cares, it wasn't a big movie in theaters, so it's the same as an art house movie of his. he wasn't a star in it like the new tom cruise movie, so i was right about it, it was a small movie and so since it was small it was a part of his career being over movies.
