MovieChat Forums > James Cameron Discussion > Condescending prick

Condescending prick

He said 3D TV failed because not everyone is a film geek like he apparently is. That's it! I'm boycotting Avatar 2.


Dude, some porn director also said some weird shit, cannot give u a link but I can vouch for it. Boycott porn also ;)


Some porn directors are not producing all porn. Logic fail.


So you refuse to stop watching porn?


Where did I say I refuse?


So you promise you will stop watching porn ? Can I trust you on this ?


Where did I promise you anything? Why do you want to trust me?


porn addict!


Your mom.


Finally :)


Weird flex, but ok.


So you truly, deeply, believe that everyone IS a film geek like Cameron?

You must, or your boycott would make no sense at all.


Yea... but you don't say 3D TV failed because of simple people that don't understand real cinema oh so high art like he is. If only all people are film connoisseurs then 3D TV would've been a hit. That's just ridiculous entitlement he's got there.


Don't you dare disrespect Cameron, peasant.


Then Cameron shouldn't have disrespected people that aren't film geeks like he is.


Well, he said not everyone is willing to sit down, put the glasses on, and solely pay attention to films without other distractions - which is one factor in why 3D failed. And that is completely true.


Then it's the tech's failure to make a convenient experience. That's why 3D failed, because the tech sucked ass. Not that movie goers are peasants unlike him that is oh so high class movie connoisseur. So art! So film geek!


He mentioned that in the interview you're referencing, and that some TV companies chose to go with rechargeable glasses which are even more inconvenient:

“I know why all that failed because there was — what they did was they jumped into 3D trying to cash in the boom at theaters and treat it as a feature. So, they did 3D, but they did it with glasses that needed to be recharged and all that. Whereas just over the horizon was glasses-free, large flat screen TVs which actually look pretty good.”

He also mentioned this:

“The imperative to manufacture [glasses-free TVs] and the additional cost required got out of step with the market demand, which was taking a nosedive because people experience 3D in a movie theater very differently than they do in a home. They don’t want anything that distracts them from multi-tasking and/or socializing with other people that are in the room with them and so on.”

It's a combination of both. The tech for glassless TV was expensive and not ready when manufacturers wanted to hop on the 3D craze, and the average person didn't want to deal with glasses for the reasons he stated. How hard is that to understand?


Yeah, he has the simpleton, stupid, upper class, jerk white guy vibe about him. Not interested in his films.


That simpleton made some of the most outstanding movies of all time that are also very diverse.
If he'd be some one-trick-pony, okay, sure, maybe just not your taste.

But considering the variety he provided over decades, your comment is just flat out dumb.
I bet you like some of his movies, secretly, but tell yourself to hate them because you despise him.

Long story short: Grow up.


It's all jealousy, all the way down.


I guess so.

See, I get where they are coming from, Cameron IS... a character... to say the least. But for fucks sake, one must acknowledge that it is this character of his that gave us all these amazing movies.

Always reminds me of Band of Brothers: "We salute the rank, not the man!"


I'm glad 3D TV failed but JC is my boy and I'm still watching Avatar 2.


Yeah. I also believe in Jesus Christ, brother.


I was talking about Jim Carrey. He looks like he's in an avatar.


Ok, you can take Justin Chatwin as well.


How would you feel about 4K, HDR, glassless 3D.


Don't like it.


Imagine needing any other reason to boycott Avatar 2 other than it being Avatar 2...


If only Cameron didn't say that I'd totally watch Avatar 2... in 2D!


Avatar (2009) was for disabled people and how to improve upon those disabilities. No need for them to watch part 2 so you are excused.


I still have my 3D TV. Works fine and I'm glad that it does.

Cameron simply talks out of his ass on occasion.


His ass is 3D.


Who cares? Avatar 2 probably still be a helluva lot of fun.
