

.....................Sometimes ya gotta wonder.... 


For all we know, he's just jealous that his wife chose Carrey over him and just doing this lawsuit to make Carrey look bad.


Her death was officially ruled a suicide. Maybe her husband should look up suicide in the dictionary before getting this case thrown out of court.

Steven Seagal Fan Club President


I'm a Carrey fan but it doesn't look good. I could also conjecture that UFOs came down and told him to do this or he had a vision....conspiracy theories abound. Awful expensive way to get revenge if there is no factual basis and what attorney would wanna make an ass of himself if it was just made up? 

.....................Sometimes ya gotta wonder.... 


I'm a Carrey fan and I hope it ain't true. That however has nothing to do with your post regarding this case.
Maybe you should look up wrongful death before posting. 

.....................Sometimes ya gotta wonder.... 


Her death was officially ruled a suicide.

I don't think anyone is claiming it was murder. BUT....if it was determined that she committed suicide with drugs that were illegally obtained by Carrey specifically for her, he could wind up in some very hot water....both financially, and legally.

We'll see...time will tell. I hope this isn't the case. Although I am not a fan of his acting skills, that doesn't mean I wish him any harm, and I imagine this whole ordeal has been very hard on him.


There's no way Burton could know that Jim specifically handed her painkillers and blood pressure meds. It just didn't happen. This lie is being used to bolster his pathetic and despicable claims and enhance his chances of grabbing Jim's money. Sickening.


by MariaMitchell » 40 minutes ago (Tue Sep 20 2016 08:33:50)
There's no way Burton could know that Jim specifically handed her painkillers and blood pressure meds. It just didn't happen.

You are unf'ing real! Do you see it now that I mention it?
Your second sentence contradicts your first sentence. How do you know he didn't???
I hope you're not voting this election., I can tell you're a "low information" type; as long as there's a (D) after the name, vote for it.

.....................Sometimes ya gotta wonder.... 


FFS, calm down, douchebag.
No, they don't contradict each other at all. By 'it didn't happen', I mean it did not happen that Burton was privvy to this at all. PLain enough for you?

Must be comforting to be the 'low information type' that gets so f-ing hysterical over some Scientologist parasite seeking a dodgy payday.
