MovieChat Forums > Jim Carrey Discussion > He should go back to cleaning toilets.

He should go back to cleaning toilets.

I dont get it, these celebrities whine when they dont get work and when they earn fame and money they start to preach, here's a quote
"I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer"

So if that is not the answer are you willing to go back to cleaning toilets? give it all away? if you cant be grateful at least be helpful earn as much through fair means and help the needy and STFU.


I think it's pretty simple what he's saying - that people shouldn't be motivated by fame and fortune. He's clearly grateful for what he's achieved because he loves what he does but the problem is the shallow, superficial morons who are purely chasing money and notoriety at any cost.
And how do you know what he does with his money? He may be giving away a great deal to the needy. He's certainly involved with a lot of charities.


What She said


Maybe if he does go back to cleaning toilets, he can look for his career in there.


Har har har


But then you would be out of a job.


He's on about that far less talented , far less positive, people than him would be untalented, negative wrecks in his position. He's not on some free ride - he works for it.


How ride


How rude? Thats so mean
