MovieChat Forums > Jim Carrey Discussion > Never found him funny

Never found him funny

He was never funny.


He used to be.

But like many other performers, he got the Chevy Chase disease. It's a combination of the Dunning–Krueger effect mixed with a health dose of narcissism.


What is the Dunning Krueger effect and what is Chevy Chase disease? I know Chevy used to be funny and is not any more. I’m curious about your “diagnosis”?


Dunning-Kreuger is a condition where a person vastly overestimates their intelligence. Flat earthers and Apollo deniers are typical DKers. To them, if they can't understand it, it can't be possible.

Chevy Chase Disease is similar in that the sufferer vastly overestimates their importance and influence, and as a result simply become unfunny and a character of themseves.


So Chevy Chase disease is where someone thinks they are some respected wise elder, with people waiting to hear their wisdom? Like a basketball player who thinks he is political statesman?


That's one of the symptoms, yes.


Thanks, I learned something new today.


I've found him funny in a number of his films.


He was really good on the Wayans Brothers’ Fox TV series, In Living Color, and then he sucked dog scrotum.


Oh God my brothers and I love that show. Two snaps up!!!


I just read your discussion of the Chevy Chase Syndrome. Do you remember when he committed a very public suicide by thinking he could do a late-night network talk show? I recall it was cancelled after 2 weeks. Now, THAT was funny!


Yep, he *thought* he could do late night TV... Classic symptom.


Fireman Bill was a classic.


He was pretty funny.


he was great at impersonations.


He clearly has a unique talent, but I have always found his consistent mugging tiresome. I watched Liar Liar last night - not a bad concept, but hard to endure due to his frenetic performance.

Even in better movies - notably The Truman Show - he could sometimes have done with reigning in a little.

I appreciate why he was so hugely popular once upon a time, but his style of humour has never appealed to me.

