MovieChat Forums > Charles Chaplin Discussion > If he was alive today...

If he was alive today...

Would he be celebrated for his art or crucified for his lifestyle?


Depend on what kind of person you are i guess. Some would be all about his art while some would be all about his lifestyle.


I think crucified. What Hitler did was very bad, no matter what time period you are in. And I've seen some of his painting and they suck.


Probably celebrated for his art. Diddling underage girls is nothing to Hollywood types. Look at Roman Polanski; he did it, and Hollyweird still loves him.


If he were alive today, he'd probably be able to keep his "lifestyle" under wraps, unless he was dim enough to marry one of his underaged girls while she was still underaged.


His art sucked it’s no wonder he couldn’t sell any paintings in Vienna, as for his lifestyle I get the impression he was angry much of the time, which neatly connects to his art and lack of sales.


Who are you talking about, Chaplin or Hitler?


Both! 😀


His mustache would start a trend.


If he were alive today he would be celebrated for the fact he would be 132 years old


Good Point


The PC Me Too prats would crucify him.


He would probably be unknown if born in a later timeframe.

A diamond product of his time, Chaplins genius skills as the g.o.a.t. physical comedian were developed as a child wiith his parents, making money by putting on traveling stage shows, before the age of moving pictures.

5 second Tic-Toc videos will not create the likes of him.
