MovieChat Forums > Russell Crowe Discussion > ☝️ Pop vs. Box 👇 '95 - '12

☝️ Pop vs. Box 👇 '95 - '12

Card 62

Key -

B - box office rank for year
P - current popular rank for year
🎖️ - first place rank for year
🗽 - most votes for year
🤔 - most obscure

(#/142) - rank amongst 142 actors
🥈 - top 10 ranking
🥉 - top 20 ranking

Note - some of Mr. Crowe's work before '95 have no box data and has been included in reply below.

91 Proof B188 P211
92 Romper Stomper B223 P75
94 The Sum of Us🤔 B165 P249
95 The Quick and the Dead B86 P37
95 No Way Back - no data
95 Virtuosity B71 P78
95 Rough Magic - no data
97 L.A. Confidential B24 P14
97 Heaven's Burning - no data
97 Breaking Up - no data
99 Mystery, Alaska B134 P108
99 The Insider B56 P31
00 Gladiator 🎖️🗽B4 P1
00 Proof of Life B78 P72
01 A Beautiful Mind B11 P14
03 Master and Commander B31 P34
05 Cinderella Man B42 P73
06 A Good Year B167 P31
07 3:15 to Yuma B40 P51
07 American Gangster B19 P18
08 Body of Lies B72 P21
09 Tenderness - no data
09 State of Play B79 P19
10 Robin Hood B26 P47
10 The Next Three Days B113 P60
12 The Man with the Iron Fists B114 P136
12 Les Miserables B18 P11

Movies scored - 22
Box sum - 1761
Pop sum - 1419

Box avg rank - 80.40
Pop avg rank - 64.50

BA-PA = +15.90 (9/142)🥈

Box top 20 - 🥊🥊🥊🥊
Pop top 20 - ⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️

Best box - Gladiator (4)
Worst box - A Good Year (167)
Best pop - Gladiator (1)
Worst pop - The Sum of Us (249)

Pop gainer - Romper Stomper (+148)
Pop loser - The Sum of Us (-84)

Pop vs. Box awards


It is natural for popular rankings to be higher due to the influx of art house, international and straight to video releases. Popular rankings are taken from IMDb and are fluid. Most box office rankings are taken from The Numbers website (domestic)

Scoring b-p

10+ excellent
9 to -9 = good
-10 to -29 = avg
-30 to -49 = poor
-50 and below = very poor


3:15 to Yuma B40 P51 = -11(avg)


Excellent (10pts each) = 9
Good (5pts each) = 7
Average (0pts each) = 4
Poor (-5pts each) = 1
Very poor (-10pts each) = 1
Pop top 20 bonus (5pts each) = 6


Mr. Crowe's pop/box library score

140 (20/142)🥉


Movies no box data '90-'93

90 Prisoners of the Sun
90 The Crossing
91 Spotswood
93 Hammers Over the Anvil
93 The Silver Brumbry
93 For the Moment
93 Love in Limbo


Card updated 9/2/22


Card updated 1/19/24
