MovieChat Forums > Jamie Lee Curtis Discussion > Anyone else feel she's kind of arrogant?

Anyone else feel she's kind of arrogant?

I know she donates so much money and helps a lot of causes and all that, but just in like
Videos with interviews, conventions, and things she comes off as very distant and arrogant somehow, like she's being bothered by hearing someone talk or having to talk herself. Some might say she's opinionated or whatever but that's not the same thing. In her early days she was unaffected and seemed genuinely kind and open.

And I'm not saying this based off of some posts on her board already. She did a small thing where she met up with Kyle Richards recently in a video and she just seemed so disinterested and cold. Like she couldn't share that moment of reminisce with warmth, it's small things like that.


I'll let you know later today what I think if I get close enough to her that is. I'm attending a small political meeting that she will be at this afternoon. I would like to get a photo with her for sure if possible.


I saw her on the Tonight Show many years ago, and she was putting down Ann-Margret (an infinitely more talented performer) for no apparent reason but to get a laugh. I haven't liked her much ever since. I also resented the fact that she nearly ruined NCIS with her guest appearances.


She complains about weird things. It would make me wonder if she is needy and two-faced.


No. She's no different now than she was when she was younger except perhaps in the ways that we ALL change as we age. If you think she's always been outspoken, forthright and argumentative then there's definitely a little truth in that.

Maybe because she's aware of what a hype the housewives BS is and the fact that Kyle talks about being in Halloween as if SHE was a lead in some big production. The guy who played Tommy Doyle looks frankly embarrassed when he has to remind her that he was in more than double the amount of scenes he was in and he worked for only two days total. Kyle probably worked one evening.


I met her at a book signing 3 years ago and she was pretty nice and even took selfies with everyone there. But I can see what you mean at times.


Saw this brought up on reddit in a topic about JLC not knowing Danielle Harris & Scout Taylor-Compton plus being rude and dismissive to them...

Jamie Lee Curtis on meeting Ana de Armas on the set of Knives Out (2019).

"I assumed – and I say this with real embarrassment — because she had come from Cuba, that she had just arrived,” she said.

“I made an assumption that she was an inexperienced, unsophisticated young woman. That first day, I was like, ‘Oh, what are your dreams?’”

Curtis went on to say that she had been so impressed with de Armas’s performance on Knives Out that she offered to introduce her to Steven Spielberg with the view of possibly casting her as Maria in the director’s forthcoming West Side Story, a role that eventually went to Rachel Ziegler.

The Freaky Friday star also told the publication that she wanted to introduce de Armas to her godchildren Maggie and Jake Gyllenhaal. She said she was surprised to learn that De Armas already knew Jake and had a number of contacts in Hollywood.


She comes off like my mom and her friends. Arrogant at times and they can be great. It's a rough go for newcomers in their circle.


YES she is a hater and a racist


She's really been looking for attention these last few years, to the point of being trashy.


The below article illustrates it perfectly.


Funny she did kinda the same thing at the SAG awards the other day, constantly making herself known everytime Michelle Yeoh was mentioned, when Yeoh won Curtis had to be front and center clapping and pressed right up against her when getting up from the table.

In her speech for her win she obsessively praised Michelle Yeoh "I asked am i gonna be working opposite Michelle Yeoh? ok sign me up!" yeah Jamie we get it you're not racist and we all will remember to think of you when Michelle wins cause you've made it a point to leech from her spotlight so much.

Shes such a fucking attention whore.
