MovieChat Forums > Geena Davis Discussion > Geena Davis as a Main Villain ?

Geena Davis as a Main Villain ?

I would really love to see Geena Davis actually play the Main Villain in an Action Movie.
I think that she would be very good at it. What does everyone else think ?


Yes! I'd especially love to see her work with Quentin Tarantino!


Honestly, the only villain role that I myself have ever seen her in was in "COMA", that is it!
Has she ever done any other villain roles ?


Her character on The Exorcist just became possessed, does that count?


It counts if she ends up being very very evil!


Well she's possessed by a demon so of course she's "very, very evil". Only roll over this is you want to know what she does...

She kills her own mother, murders an entire convent of nuns, joins in on a conspiracy to assassinate the Pope, tortures her own family, and tries to manipulate a priest into killing himself.

Is that all evil enough for you?
