MovieChat Forums > Geena Davis Discussion > what happened with her career??

what happened with her career??

seriously... since the late 90s she has only been in a couple of B movies and had a short running ratings failure TV show. what happened?? and please dont say "she became a mom" bla bla. her career has been dead for longer than that.


bad gum to smile ratio?


I was just commenting on her gum to teeth ratio. But, I guess she just got old.


Renny Harlin happened.


ouch! You can help change the world.


Sad fact is that women drop off the A-list once they reach a certain age. Usually somewhere between 40 or 50. They either go into smaller roles or TV shows (like Geena has). They may be able to make a return to starring roles later on as the mother or grandmother later on.

For Hollywood men, they get older but their leading ladies stay the same age!
It's a sad double standard, but it's true.


reny harlin was responsible of being dropped as an A list actress, she did two movies for him and both sinked at the box office, The age is not the issue there are many examples of actresses older that her working in good projects like Meryl streep, Helen Mirren, Susan Sarandon, Michelle Pfeiffer, Judy Dench, Ellen Burstyn etc. Bad choices at certain age can destroy some careers and there are many actresses available.


"Meryl streep, Helen Mirren, Susan Sarandon, Michelle Pfeiffer, Judy Dench, Ellen Burstyn "

these ladies may still get work (usually playing somebodys mom) but they barely get any media attention for their work so they are not really *relevant* anymore like they used to be, so i guess its true that its very hard for women 40+ in hollywood

i mean how often is for example michelle pfeiffer leading story on Entertainment tonight these days? i think we all know the answer the that question. NEVER. whereas back in the day, she would be


I think the answer is quite simple. She is too tall (taller than Miss Pyle if IMDB database is correct). Her body got too fat and her face got too chubby for close-up shots. Basically she just kissed her career goodnight after The Long Kiss Goodnight.

I'm rich and divorced
