MovieChat Forums > David Duchovny Discussion > What was the hottest he's ever looked?

What was the hottest he's ever looked?

TV Shows:
"The X Files" (90's "X Files" or today's "X Files")
"Red Shoe Diaries"
"Sex and the City"

NOT "Twin Peaks", mind you.

"The X Files" (1998)
"I Want To Believe"
"New Years Day"
"Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead"
"The Rapture"
"Julia Has Two Lovers"
"Playing God"

Miscellaneous (anything else he's appeared in).

This is like a kid in a candy just don't know what to pick!

Lately, I've been quite into Agent Mulder David of the 90's, however, my crush on him started in February this year, and throughout most of this year, especially the early part of my year, the David I was lusting over was David in "Venice/Venice", "Kalifornia", and "New Years Day" as well as a few scenes from "Julia Has Two Lovers".

He should've had more screen time in "Venice/Venice", he looked HOTTTTTT.

Although, I swear, in "New Years Day", his hair changed. Either he got a haircut when the movie was being filmed or it was just the angles he looked at, but I swear his hair looked different, especially during the part where that one woman catches him in bed and throws him out the door naked (and you see his penis!).

I've also been quite into pre-"X Files" David lately. I watched these two clips I found from that movie "New Years Day", and during the part where he's talking to some man and the part where he's in that living room all covered up in winter clothes (and that part where that woman shows him that bracelet and they start making out), good God, he looked so hot.

What movie/TV show do YOU think he looked his hottest, or miscellanous (a photoshoot, red carpet event, etc.)?


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He is attractive to me in X-Files seasons 1-5, especially season 5! But if you want to see him look especially smoking hot, go look up clips from the 1997 Golden Globes, like the interview he does with GA. wow, his tux, his hair... Something definitely was working for him there!


Are you talking about when he wore that white Tux which looked like a couch cover? I thought he looked good but that suit was awful😀 Or do you mean this picture?

If it's that picture I agree he looks awesome


Woo hoo! Someone has finally replied to me, and it just so happens to be none other than you!

I've seen him in that tux. Mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmm...

I actually have a Golden Globes fantasy I want to tell you, perhaps privately. Want me to share it with you?

Honestly, it's hard to pick when David looked his hottest.

He looked hot so many times...
-During the scene in "New Years Day" when he's talking to some guy on the couch and when he's all bundeled up in winter clothes in the living room
-When he's lying on the floor talking to this woman on the phone in "Julia has Two Lovers"
-In the movie "Venice/Venice"
-The scene in "Kalifornia" where he's shirtless
-Some parts of "Red Shoe Diaries" (specifically the part where he's drying this woman off and making out with her next to a tree)
-On "Californication" (especially in the first episode where he's in bed)

I don't really like "Red Shoe Diaries" David or at the end of the movie "The Rapture" David anymore.

I love me some 90's Agent Mulder David (for the most part), especially when he was wearing that tux at the 1997 Golden Globes.


I think he always looks hot:) He was adorable when he was in his 30's and 40's. Now in his 50's he still looks amazing.



Love him in whatever he is in. My crush since when the X-Files started until this day. You should see him in person .... To die for. I met him at wizard world and he is the sweetest guy ever and he gave me a big hug, I just died. And then the next night he played a concert, so sexy on stage. Let me say that was the best weekend ever, if only that would repeat over and over again LOL.


I agree with you shimmer. I've met David many times over the years and he is very nice to his fans. Very down to earth man.
