Terrible Actor

I think he did a horrible job in Saw.

What is his 'best' movie performance?


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That's because there were no retakes. The entire bathroom sequence was filmed over the course of a few days, they did everything on pretty much the first take. That it ended up as good as it did is AMAZING, if you've ever worked on a film (amateur counts). Trying to get people to nail things in one try is just monumentally hard.

Had they extended filming (remember it was initially just a straight-to-DVD flick), no doubt it would have looked much better.

- Why am I here? Because I love making fun of stupid people. It's my hobby.


From the movies that I've seen him in...Hm. I don't think I could choose. I suppose The Princess Bride though. But I have to expand my horizons on his movies. I just love to hear him talk though. He has such a great voice.

-Art, Art blew a fart and blew the whole damn thing apart.-


great in Glory. also the first one about the cambridge spies.
