MovieChat Forums > Cary Elwes Discussion > for history buffs

for history buffs

is it true he's a distant relative of Henry VIII? i think i've just died and gone to heaven. i totally thought the Tudor line died out with Elizabeth I! he must be from Princess Mary's side. but i didn't think Princess Mary and Charles Brandon had had children.

Wolverine: Hey hey, it's me.
Cyclops: Prove it.
Wolverine: You're a dick.
Cyclops: Ok.


If it's true that would explain his rotundness in these latter years.


yeah, but did his sister's sons maybe have the same health issues that made them get rather..........round, also?

Wolverine: Hey hey, it's me.
Cyclops: Prove it.
Wolverine: You're a dick.
Cyclops: Ok.


It says "distant" not lineal. Henry had two sisters and one brother
(who died sp) One sister married the King of Scotland - True, Henry V111 has no lineal heirs (that were legitimate) Tudor Genealogy is a full time job - The Elwes family definitely has more than one connection - Carol Ward Dudley


Dudley? are you a distant relation of Robin Dudley? friend to Queen Elizabeth I?

Wolverine: Hey hey, it's me.
Cyclops: Prove it.
Wolverine: You're a dick.
Cyclops: Ok.


Is Cary Elwes related to John Elwes the inspiration for Scrooge?


Yep, don't think he's descendant of Robert Dudley but he is a descendant of one of his siblings.


John elwes was a distant cousin of careys. They have a common ancestor on Geoffrey elwes and elizabeth gabbott. What's kind of strange is that geoffrey and Elizabeth's son who was Carey's ancestor married a woman named Morley.
