MovieChat Forums > Cary Elwes Discussion > As You Wish book :)

As You Wish book :)

I just bought his book "As You Wish" and attended his book signing a few days ago. He told stories from his book, complete with fantastic accents/ voices/ impressions of everyone on set of The Princess Bride, and had the whole room laughing so hard we were crying. (He could start another career in stand-up if he wanted to!) He was so charming and wonderful the whole time that I could almost swear to you that we all left a little more in love with him than we were when we came in! He even signed my Princess Bride shirt, even though it was stressed he'd only sign his book! He was so excited that my BFF and I had these shirts that he half-yanked us across the signing table to get to them! I must admit, that was one of the most amazing moments of my life-- not only getting to meet a life-long idol of mine, but having him be so genuinely excited to meet me and my BFF! Now please excuse me while I go to buy the audio book version of "As You Wish". ;)


Wow! Thanks for that wonderful story.

I just bought the book too, but wouldn't have the same opportunity to meet him like you did! My bff and I are also big fans of him like you and your bff, and would have loved to meet him as well! He was one of my major crushes back in the 90s, and kind of sad his career really didn't take off. What I mean is, after the Princess Bride, he never starred in other big movies (apart from Glory and Twister).

Just wondered... during the book-signing did he mention anything about whether The Princess Bride musical intended for Broadway would ever become a reality?

Crushes should be like Kleenex -- soft, strong, and disposable.
