MovieChat Forums > Cary Elwes Discussion > Just met Cary Elwes at Phoenix Comicon t...

Just met Cary Elwes at Phoenix Comicon today and the nicest guy EVER

Cary was so extremely nice. He was jumping off the state hugging fans and taking selfies with them. He would even use their cameras/phones to take it for them (he was a lot taller than some of the fans and to get everyone in, was easier for him to do so). He told all the fans he gave "Free Hugs" and wanted to give out free hugs at the photo booths after his panel. He was a little upset(sad and not angry) that people at the event (workers) would not allow everyone to come in to get a hug for free and that the event workers turned people away in favor of "paying" people. He hugged me several times, posed for a photo and then KISSED me on the cheek. He talked to us a min and said that my husband and I were "so sweet". The man is so genuinely nice. It made my day and I will never forget it:) I love him and have since I first saw him on the big screen:) TY Cary for being such an amazing person! PS: I have a neurological disability and have to use a mobility Scooter to get around. I wanted to stand up to get into the photo and he was very concerned that I would hurt myself. He hugged me and rubbed my back and said to me"Sometimes it makes things feel better to be hugged" .... what a total sweetheart and he looks just like he did in "The Princess Bride" (ya, HOT!)


I was so impressed by Cary this weekend. He also hugged me and spent a couple of minutes talking to me about British Elizabethan history, which is a passion for me. It was so clear that Cary really appreciates his fans. He is a wonderful, warm, generous man and it was an honor and a privilege to meet him.

"Freedom of religion means ALL religions not just your own."


Kittykat - don't wash that cheek! :)
