How he talks

Does anyone else absolutely LOVE the way he talks? just his accent and how everything is enunciated in his certain way always makes me swoon!



Yay! I'm finally not the only one who's said that. I just melt at the sound of his voice. His accent gives his characters more depth. And it makes hearing him talk even more fun, wondering what a word would sound like. :3



Chris Penn
Mitch Hedburg
Gregg Hoffman

I am a member of The Dr.Gordon Army.


I must contribute to this as I also adore this attribute of his! No matter what accent he is using at the time, his natural English seems to slip in there and make it sound really "hot", excuse the crudeness of the term! My fav besides the English is the Western he does in "Twister" because, as we all know, "Tornadoes are very, very unpredictable" (If you haven't seen the movie I suggest doing that soon as the inflection he puts upon the two "very" words will cause you to swoon further!) I am surprised at how well he held the Western accent in that movie...critics of his usual accent slippage not withstanding, I think it was well done! The point is that I love to hear him talk as well and I could have just said that but my being a recent college graduate has, alas, restricted my writing time to only my boards and so you all must suffer the wrath of my wordiness! Tehe! Cheers to those who can't get enough of this beautiful Brit by birth and American by choice!

Currently watching: Unwrapped on Food Network-Top Dog-The History of the Hot Dog(it is true what they do not want to see how they are made)


His Southern(ish) accent in Kiss The Girls was really good too. I couldn't help but giggle every time he talked. XD

By the way, if any of you are big enough fans of Cary's to go out of your way to join something, join the Cary Elwes Fan Forum ( My friend Joy made it a few months ago, and it's lots of fun to talk about him without anyone badgering us. :3



Chris Penn
Mitch Hedburg
Gregg Hoffman

I am a member of The Dr.Gordon Army.


I loved his voice. It made me go all gooey - but I recently say an interview with him him in, I was stunned. I had to rewind to double check the name on the screen. He has an American accent, for crying out loud! Now, no offence to Americans, you're great people, but it is my personal belief is that it is one of the most unattractive accents in the world. He had such a beuatiful voice, and he just threw it away.

I'm anespeptic, frasmotic, even compunctuous to have caused you such pericumbobulations...


And, unlike other Robin Hoods, he can speak with an English accent.

If Zombies ever attack, the only survivors would be Network Executives. Zombies only eat brains.


lol me too...his southern drawl was hot in kiss the girls...


I love his voice for Baron the cat baron in the Cat Returns- how can a cat be fanciable lol!


Hugh Laurie otoh sounds better or sexier with an American accent for some reason.

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel
