Looks fade

I`m sorry to say. But we must remember that the man is almost 50. He is entitled to some weight gain. Although I must agree that he really has let himself go. He was so nice looking when he was younger. I wonder if he even knew it. While I don`t care for the weight,I can overlook that. If there`s one thing about Cary that I can`t stand its when he grows a moustache. A little stubble I can handle,but not a moustache. As hard as it is to believe, the little moustache he had as westley completly changed my loving the character as much as I did in the beginning of the movie. He looked better then. I wish he would find a different hair style too. It makes his age more noticable. Besides those two things I think he has aged well enough. I just wish people would stop harping on his weight gain. It`s like that`s all they notice about him now.
