MovieChat Forums > Cary Elwes Discussion > #1 Cary Elwes Fans Only!

#1 Cary Elwes Fans Only!

Hopefully, the title will keep out anyone that wants to bad-mouth him.

Anyways, now that I've started a new thread with a better name, I can post the link to the autographed picture:

I have it in protective plastic, so don't worry about squirming, wondering if it's been breathed on the wrong way. XD


Get Leigh And James back for Saw V!


Woohoo, new thread! I'm here. *waves*

I love that picture. XD I have a weird thing for arrogant pretty-boy type characters, so Kent Gregory is a favorite, hehe.

...I'm contemplating creating a fansite with a big exclusively-Cary fan forum. Would anybody be interested in that?


*Waves hand frantically* Ooh, oh, me! I'm so interested in anything Cary related.

P.S. It's not weird if you're not the only one. Even though I like every character Cary plays, Kent Gregory is probably one of my favorites.

Edit: I just heard a new phrase to describe Cary.......'Man candy". XD

Get Leigh And James back for Saw V!


I think I'll do that. It seems all the big Cary fansites end up dead in the water, I'd like to keep one up and running with a nice fan forum.

Baha! Man candy, I'm sure I will be using that in the future! XD

...Right this minute I have The Crush on for background noise. Man, he's pretty in this movie, lol.


Dude, this is insane! I was just watching The Crush earlier. Eerie, isn't it?

Hey, lets start a new tradition. With every post we make, we have to think of a word or phrase to describe Cary. The only one we can't use (Since it's already been used), is 'man candy'. XD

Ok, uhm...Ah, I got one: 'Yummy'. XD


Get Leigh And James back for Saw V!


Hehe, that's crazy, I guess great minds think alike!

Ooh, a new word or phrase, huh? *thinks*

I'm tired and headachy right now. The only thing I keep coming back to is "Carylicious." LOL. XD


Ah, good one. I'm surpised I never thought of 'Carylicious'.

I finished a new music video for Cary...well, actually, it's for Saw, but mostly for Lawrence. When you don't feel headachy, I'd really like it if you watched it. XD

Hmm...I thought of a few, but I'll get around to them all. 'Breath-taking'. :P


Get Leigh And James back for Saw V!


I would love to watch it, let me know where I can find it! :)

Word of the post: "mesmerizing." ^_^


*slaps self across the face* I forgot to post the link. XD

Word of the post: 'dreamy'


Get Leigh And James back for Saw V!
