MovieChat Forums > Michael J. Fox Discussion > I love how people call Tom Cruise short....

I love how people call Tom Cruise short..

but nobody complains about Michael J. Fox?


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Maybe because Tom Cruise is a dick?


But Michael J Fox isn't bothered by it, so it isn't a big deal.

Whereas Cruise appears to have 'short man' syndrome.


That's mainly because Tom Cruise tries to play bigger than life characters, be an action hero, and take on the large roles.
People were more taken aback when they found out how short he was.

Michael J Fox never did. He was just himself and played regular people.


Michael J Fox also never tried to hide his height, he knew he was short and accepted it. Tom Cruise on the other had pretended to be taller, watch Top Gun and you'll see his height constantly varies. He was standing on apple boxes in some scenes, while in long shots he's not. Plus he used to wear lifts, watch him and Nicole in movies, and then when they're at premiers you'll see how much of a height difference they have even when she wore flats.

-The Price of freedom is eternal vigilance.


Michael J Fox's ego is as tall or shorter than he is. Tom cruise's is about as big as Andre the giant was.
