MovieChat Forums > Michael J. Fox Discussion > Not happy about his recent interviews

Not happy about his recent interviews

I thought he was making progress a few years ago with his battle with PD, looks like PD is winning. He seems to be shaking a lot more in recent interviews, which deeply saddens me. I'm glad he's still upbeat about things and still working. I also saw on youtube where he was doing a live Q&A in regards to BTtF, and he had on a lapel mic I believe and you constantly would hear the mic brushing up against his clothes which made the interview unwatchable. I'm surprised the sound technician didn't tell the director to give him a hand mic.

I really hope his foundation can find a cure within my lifetime. Best to Michael.

-The Price of freedom is eternal vigilance.


Keep in mind he might have also been really nervous, I mean million of people watching, I would be. He hasn't really had this much exposure in a long while. I'm glad he was up for doing so much for back to the future day, it was awesome.


i suggest you do a bit of research about parkinsons disease, because it is a degenerative one. as of now uncurable, much because the deeply divided opinions on stem cell research. the progress of deterioration vary from person to person, and in his case it seems he's come out on the fairly good end (as far as one can say such a thing). he still speaks understandably, and his ticks aren't nearly as bad as the worse cases out there. some people experience fairly extreme muscle spasms as the disease progresses, others almost the opposite - inability to move muscles.
medicines too are extremely expensive - luckily we have that devilish communist socialist welfare which means even the people who aren't especially well off can get the medicine for the cost of snacks for a sports game on tv. i won't dwelve too much into the side effects, but they are many, worst of all many find it hard to get a good night's sleep - for years.

source? i've done a bit of reading after my father was diagnosed ~15 years ago.
