MovieChat Forums > Michael J. Fox Discussion > Does cocaine use cause Parkinson's disea...

Does cocaine use cause Parkinson's disease?

Some hollywood people implied that Fox's parkinson's was his own fault, and that implied that he did cocaine for a portion of his life.


If that would be the case, 8/10 Hollywood stars would have Parkinson's.


...and 9/10th of politicians.


And 10/10 musicians! xD


… or even 9 out of 11!


I think he was more of a drunk that a snorter.

Still, anything that causes dramatic changes in brain chemistry would be as suspect as other possible causes.


It wasn't coke, it was Pepsi which caused his disease, he drank tons of Diet Pepsi, which contains aspartame, a neurotoxic sweetener.


I laughed out aloud at your pun! 🤣


Anti-psychotics do. I kept the dose low and have ticks or resting tremors in my neck mainly. But once I sleep they go away.

Theres an andrewbird song “nervous tick motion” I like

If youre having mental from whatever problems the song get annoying though

I honestly wanted to go back to college and the song annoyed me because I though it was about an over prescribed truck driver lol and I didnt want to be a truck driver.


He was also a heavy smoker which may also have triggered it. Or he was just predisposed to it no matter what he did.
