MovieChat Forums > Mel Gibson Discussion > Its Time You Stopped This

Its Time You Stopped This

K. Well I've had about enough.
Mel Gibson shows time and time again he is one of the best actors out there; still making great films despite being blacklisted, with Get the Gringo and now Blood Father.

Hollywood elites, no one cares about this mans drunken tirade.

Plenty of other celebs have said some idiotic stuff that makes his pale in comparison and without alcohol involved.

No one cares about actors/actresses political views or any other such hogwash...except if they can actually act. We do care about that.

Case in point...Jai Courtney gets work while Mel Gibson sits sidelined.

I hate you whoever decides these things. You are an idiot.


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The reason people still hate on him is because everybody these days bends over backwards to be politically correct, they think it makes them look like superior beings for doing so. Life in the digital age is nothing more than a popularity contest I'm afraid, it's all about how much of a shameless narcissist you can be.

Mel is a great actor and director, and he's a good man. He's just had troubles like any other person.


There's no coming back from that because that's what our forward thinking, hypocritical modern society has decided, but nobody has stopped to think about what might have driven him to the point where he would commit such an act. I don't know all the details of their relationship and neither does anybody else, it's their business and theirs alone. But I think it's obvious that Mel has had problems with his mental health as we all do at some point in our lives, and if she was causing him grief for the sake of her own amusement so that she could belittle and emasculate him to feel better about herself, and then Mel had enough and just reacted, then I don't think anybody can really blame him for that.


Most folks who sit in judgment of Mel, obviously never been around drunks. They will say anything. Some even become violent. Alcohol isn't good for us humans, especially humans who can't hold their drink. I will continue to support Mel. One of the best directors and actors out there. Hollywood is stale and filming remakes when they can get the help of Mel !!!!


Good director, good actor. Never considered a great actor. Better actor than tom hanks, for sure.


Problem is, he's had issues with booze as far back as the early 80s. At some point, you have to admit the guy has rage and anger issues. Listen to those recorded calls of him screaming at his girlfriend.

That wasn't just the booze talking. That stuff was coming from a dark, disturbing place. And he wouldn't even accept responsibility for it after. He claimed the tapes had been edited to make him sound like a lunatic.

That's not a good guy to support, I'm afraid.
