White House?

Anyone remember this quote?


Don't care


she doesnt either... weird how that works out...


Remember, she's like many idiots in show biz and is an attention whore. She was famous for wearing pointy bras in her heyday. Need I say more?


No you need not.

There was a good decade between the start of her career and the Blonde Ambition tour (where said pointy bra made its appearance) so she is famous for a great deal more. Not least of all for being the best selling female artist of all time.

Yes, she’s a provocateur, but the best artists are. Underselling her achievements because she doesn’t fit into your buttoned down idea of what a serious artist should be just makes you look, well, a little judgemental really, and rather unschooled in the history of popular music.


Yes she threatened to bomb the White House, she made a terroristic threat


democrats can do whatever they want. that has been proven,


I hope the Secret Service or FBI investigated, but they may have ignored it. Celebrities always say stupid things. Unfortunately, people listen to them as if they had a brain. I think it is deplorable that people get advice & guidance from celebrities.

She should have been jailed.


Should have been but got a free pass for being a democrat.


What would really be ironic is if she died because she was in a large, white mansion somewhere, and it blew up while she was visiting.
