Piers Morgan

He walked out of an interview with Piers Morgan because of Piers' Women's March comments. Really??? Either this is a lie or Ewan has the backbone of a jellyfish. Piers is a moron. Your average teenager could out debate Piers.


Typical hoiler than thou Hollywood lefttard. Such a shame. Btw, Piers is a jerk most of the time, but he's right here. I honestly think Ewan was afraid of making himself look like a jackass.


He has a serious issue with Morgan's mere comments/criticism on The Women's March and refuses to do his show. But yet he has nothing but total love and admiration for a director who once drugged a 13-year old girl and then preceded to have unconsentual sex(including anal and oral) with her.

HOW much more f'king hypocritical can a single person possibly get as this f'king guy does? SELECTIVE MORALITY!!!

"A cynic is what an idealist calls a realist" - H.G. Wells


I am quite disappointed in Ewan lately and don't even want to watch his movies anymore. The whole thing with Piers was quite ridiculous and I'm sick of him telling politicians they suck because they don't let in droves of Syrian refugees. All these damn celebrities should buy a private island and take in all these people then. The USA can't even take care of its own citizens.


Wow... Chill out... Greece is in a far worse situation regarding the care of its citizens, but accepts thousands of immgrants every month. Perhaps the USA government should do sth about it, anything, I would suggest to end the f@%! war, they started.

Sorry for my English, not my first language 


yes, use words like lefttard, that really makes you seem like a person worth discussing grown up things with

I'm doing good in the game so I'm doing good in life!


I'm sure you've never used similar words for people you disagree with politically
