MovieChat Forums > Demi Moore Discussion > She still looks amazing

She still looks amazing

Just saw her in Margin Call and she still looks fine. Still better looking than most women half her age.


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Half her age would be 25. You're saying she looks better than most 25 year olds? You must be kidding, or else you have poor vision.


She has an amazing body, long, luscious hair. Her face is a bit harsh but still sexy.

I say yes, she's better looking than most 25-year olds.


Personally, I don't think its fair to compare the looks of the average 25 year old, who is probably under-employed, struggling to pay student loans, and who can only afford to jog around town and buy St. Ives face cream to an extremely wealthy 50 year old who has been having cosmetic surgery, botox or filler injections, and liposuction for years.

If we were able to take all that "help" away from Demi at 50 and compare her to the average 25 year old, I think your opinion may be different, as it would when doing that type of comparison with anyone twice one's age.

There's "its not affecting me", and then there's "its too late"


She has an amazing body, long, luscious hair. Her face is a bit harsh but still sexy.

I say yes, she's better looking than most 25-year olds.


She's got a boyish body - pretty much straight up and down and has implants. What's amazing about that? Anyone can have long hair. She'd look better with some kind of hair styling instead of that hanging hippy hair. Her face and her attitude are both harsh, which most people don't put into the "sexy" category. Sorry, but she's just a has been who can't accept that she's 50.


Wise words. She does not look amazing though - she looks like Skeletor



She still looks amazing

NO, she doesn't.

Still better looking than most women half her age.

NO, she most definitely is not.
