MovieChat Forums > Demi Moore Discussion > On Jimmy Kimmel...

On Jimmy Kimmel...

Is that really her? What the hell happened to her face?

And the flowers are STILL standing!


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she looks totally..different..i didnt even think it was her at first


What do you mean? She looks hot for a 50 year old.


she looks good..just different lol


She looked like someone who looks like her, but is not actually her.

And the flowers are STILL standing!


I'll tell you what happened to her face .. an unfortunate combination of severe emotional insecurity combined with a multi-million dollar bank account. Her face is gonna give me nightmares for weeks.. she looks like some kind of freakish human doll. I mean it's just sad to look at her.. she is so sad - so afraid to grow old and be unloved.. i mean holy crap will someone please sit her down on the couch and work her issues out.. her nose is gonna fall off and she's gonna look like michael jackson soon..


That's what I thought. She's done something to her eyes and now looks like a different person. Too bad that older actresses have to change their faces in order to keep relevant.


Too bad that older actresses have to change their faces in order to keep relevant.

Only the ones that never had any substantial talent in the first place, like Demi Moore. Do you see Judi Dench or Meryl Streep messing with their faces? No...they don't have to. They established themselves with their work. Demi was just a pretty young thing that got lucky by being a pretty young thing. When that's all you ever were in the first place, as opposed to talented, then you have to go to desperate measures to remain "relevant" when the looks start to fade.
