MovieChat Forums > Demi Moore Discussion > Demi making a fool of herself

Demi making a fool of herself

My God, take a look at these pictures of her with her legs gaped open & dancing around. What in the world is she doing all this for? She's now dating a guy around her daughter's age! Doesn't she have any pride? The one picture of her with her legs spread open is embarrassing, not only because she's doing it, but those thighs don't look good. ucked-bed-quiet-night-home-Demi-Moore-50-goes-wild-Miami.html


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Sad pics. Looks drunk, too.

Not a shred of dignity left.


They said she was downing energy drinks like it was water. She is too old to be acting like this. I am all for having a good time but she seems to be having the party all in her head.


Exactly. Look at the faces of the others in the room. They honestly look embarrassed for her.


I feel bad for her. To have to act like that at 50.... She looks good though.


Those fat thighs with cellulite sure don't look good. The dress is way too short for a 50 yr. old woman. She can look good, but not acting & dressing like that. Her friends look embarrassed for her. She's out of control & acting ridiculous. Next we'll probably see her partying with Lindsay Lohan. No wonder Demi's daughters are on the outs with her, she is embarrassing them & should date men more in her age group. Ten yrs. younger should be her limit, but dating a 26 year old is insane. Where does she really think that's going to go? Demi is starting to act out like her mother did. It's sad & scary for her.
