MovieChat Forums > Demi Moore Discussion > She needs people to leave her alone

She needs people to leave her alone

My heart goes out to Demi. I have been a big fan of hers over the last 25 years and feel sad for what she is going through. What's more upsetting is people kicking her while she's down! She is a PERSON just like the rest of us and doesn't deserve to be trampled on in her worst (and now very public) moment.

Does anyone know of an address where I can send her an uplifting message? You can send it to me in a personal message. I want Demi to know that I believe in her, and what she's going through now is touching a lot of people who can identify with what she's feeling. She can use this moment to teach others who are in a similar situation, and I hope when all this is over, she can turn this horrible experience into an extremely positive one.


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then she should probably leave California.

who the fvck iz you doe - the Spirit of Truth


Thank you, AngiePlace, I appreciate it!


You are preaching to the choir LEAVE HER ALONE people and the newsmagazine shows should stop bothering her too telling every little thing that she is doing, Demi dont let Ashton make you feel that you are all at fault, I would not give him the satisfaction but if Ashton has been not as insensitive to you as is being alleged/reported I stand corrected. Demi you need to just go right through it and/as I know you can.


All joking aside, that would be one of the best things she could do. Get a grip on her substance abuse, and then move somewhere that she can reconnect with real humanity, and get away from the shallow vapidity of Hollywood.

"He'd kill us if he got the chance."
--The Conversation


I was laughing at the OP, many entertainers leave Hollywood for privacy i wasn't kidding about that.
They move to Connecticut, Shania moved to Switzerland, even Alicia Keys said if they want to be left alone they know what to do, that should tell you - I mean them something

who the fvck iz you doe - the Spirit of Truth


I wouldn't count on your letters reaching her,or her having time to real all the mail that she receives.

The reason people kick others while they are down is because of resentment. Demi has acheived so much--and did it on her own--so the masses assume that she should be this certain person. It's not even about whose fault her situation is at this point, people just have a need to bash those who have things better than them. It's their shallow, idealistic-thinking.
For example, if somebody won the lottery,all the other non-winners would expect the winner to live happily ever after, or damn them if they don't.

The other reason,or in conjunction with the above, is because some people cannot relate to pain or emotional problems because they have never experienced it. THet assume everybody should be like them. You think most people understans what being addicted to a drug, or having clinical emotional problems is like?
Ironically,that makes her bashers the narcisstic ones, in theory.
