MovieChat Forums > Demi Moore Discussion > What the Hell Happened to Demi Moore?

What the Hell Happened to Demi Moore? e/

Demi Moore was launched to stardom along with the rest of the Brat Pack. But while her colleagues’ careers were cooling in the 90?s, Moore’s star kept rising. By the middle of the decade, Moore was the highest-paid actress in Hollywood. But soon after her career peaked, Moore walked away from it all to focus on her personal life. So, what the hell happened?


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If she would just play someone her own age....a non-glamour role....she might be able to breathe new life into her dead career. This is a common mistake that still-vain former beauty queens make all the time.

Actresses that are willing to face and embrace their age continue to get work. Actresses that live in a world of self-delusion....still convinced they are sexy sirens 30 years after the fact.....those actresses become has-beens.


I think what Boogie Nights meant was Demi now needs to play someone her own age on film instead of trying to play a youthful character that mirrors her current personal life, where she seems to be desperately clinging to youth long gone, and attitudes/lifestyle of someone in her early 20's.

Also, I don't think she walked away from her career while it was at its peak. GI Jane had just tanked, and she was going through the beginning of a divorce. Sometimes in divorces people choose sides. I think Hollywood chose Bruce, and the offers to Demi just dried up. Also, perhaps Hollywood expected much more revenue from Striptease than was realized, after the 12 mill payout to Demi, and didn't want to bank on her after the GI Jane debacle.

Hurtful words are like toothpaste squeezed out of the tube - can't take them back


She was ok in Mr. Brooks, but a more talented actress would have made more of an impact. Demi has never been a gifted actress. She's given some very good performances but nothing outstanding.

G.I. Jane would have been Oscar bate for a more talented actress, regardless of the film itself. She didn't follow through performance wise.

This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time. - Fight Club


****The film sucked but Demi was good in it. She made the best of it. If anyone didn't follow through performance wise it was Anne Bancroft. Her attempt at a southern accent was horrible.****

It's been a while since I've seen the film but I'll have to throw it in tonight and take another look. Anne Bancroft's attempt at a southern accent being horrible... It's hard to believe anything Anne Bancroft has done being horrible. I mean, just look at her performance in The Miracle Worker, outstanding performance by one of the Best Actress' ever and I did even mention The Graduate.

I remember Viggo Mortenson being good in probably his break-out role, that and A Perfect Murder. He's proven to be a great actor. I wasn't a fan of the LOTR series but his performances in Eastern Promises and A Dangerous Method were superb.

Anyway back to the topic. Maybe the movie would have sucked no matter who starred but I think another actress could have turned it into a winner, thus making it a film worthy of an Oscar nomination. The film didn't feel like a Ridley Scott film, it felt more like a Tony Scott film (RIP)

If you put Julia Roberts, Jodie Foster or Annette Bening in G.I. Jane, I am convinced it's a whole different movie, it would have been taken a bit more seriously and the performance would have been better. Maybe the film wouldn't have sucked with a more talented actress at the helm. I say that for two reasons, Julia and Jodie wouldn't have taken it with a script in such bad shape, so it would have elevated the film right away and they would have given outstanding performances I think.

Demi did the best job she could do, but there’s been a million bad movies with great performances in them. This film still was Oscar bate for an actress, the way Cast Away was Oscar bate for Tom Hanks. It's her job to carry the film and blow us away. I wasn't blown away. So I stand by my original statement saying this is Oscar bate for a more talented actress.

I like Demi Moore! She was great in Mortal Thoughts but she isn't an actress that's going to give you that a top notch performance, she just isn’t talented in that way. She plays Demi Moore most of the time and so did her ex-husband Bruce Willis, though he was snubbed for recognition in 12 Monkeys, his best performance by far.

This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time. - Fight Club
