MovieChat Forums > Demi Moore Discussion > Turning into a 50 year old version of Li...

Turning into a 50 year old version of Lindsay Lohan

Minus the 16 arrests. It's really sad too because, unlike Lindsay, Demi has proven herself to be a really good actress.

Lately I've heard stories on and off through the media that she's been doing whip-its, is boozed out, starving herself, going to rehab, and going INSANE over Mila Kunis. All of this because Ashton left her?

Based on what I've read, she seems to have an unhealthy obsession with aging as well, which is... well, I think it's pathetic. There are things in life you cannot control, and the fact that you will age and one day die is one of them. If you can't get over that, then it's gonna be near impossible to hack it in the real world. It appears she is unable to get past that and is dwelling on imagined inadequacy to girls younger than her. It's definitely irrational behavior.

The sad thing is that Demi is actually a really good actress and, if she wanted, could turn her career around if she got a good role. Not only would it make her feel good about herself but she'd also gain more attention from audiences, because frankly she hasn't done anything worth a damn in the last decade. I seriously think this woman could win an Oscar if she were provided with the right material, but it seems like she'd rather dwell on the fact that she's 50 and try to imitate a 20 year old rather than find an age-appropriate role and own the *beep* out of it. She's still beautiful and always has been, it makes me wonder if she has a mental disorder regarding self-perception.


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Based on what I've read, she seems to have an unhealthy obsession with aging as well, which is... well, I think it's pathetic. There are things in life you cannot control, and the fact that you will age and one day die is one of them. If you can't get over that, then it's gonna be near impossible to hack it in the real world. It appears she is unable to get past that and is dwelling on imagined inadequacy to girls younger than her. It's definitely irrational behavior.

Some people are self-destructive without realizing it. If the sources speaking for Ashton were accurate, she was very jealous and needy and he couldn't take it anymore. She basically drove him away. That behavior is unlikely to change no matter what age her boyfriend is. It appears as though she believes hanging out/clubbing/drinking with her daughters and dating guys in their 20s will somehow cause their youngness to rub off on her. I see a bit of this in Madonna, Sharon Stone, and Susan Sarandon, but they don't act pathetically freaked out by their age nor desperate to appear in their 20s.


You need counseling. Susan is not old enough to be Madonna's mother or Sharon Stone's mother. She would have had them at 11 years of age. That's sick.

Only you care about how old Sarandon's lovers have been. Good for her! Are you jealous? What will you be doing at 66? Sleeping in bed alone while your 66 year old husband sleeps on the couch?

Her lover is 30 or so years younger than her. Great-grandson? I don't think so. She was 30-ish when he was born. She's old enough to be his mother just as Demi, your latest girl crush, is old enough to be he new lover's mother. What's the difference? It's OK if you like the person but when you hate the person it's just terrible. That's a bit hypocritical, wouldn't you say?

This is a public forum. Anyone can mention Susan if they choose to. I would say that Demi and Susan have a lot in common. They both prefer much younger men as lovers. Good for them!


What's your point? That does not change the fact that Sarandon is not old enough to be the mother of Stone or Madonna. That was a ridiculous statement as were the other age comparisons in your post. Who cares how old Demi's mother was or how much older she was than Susan? Only you care about that trivial BS. By the way, most woman do not start families at 16 so it would not be fair to say that Susan is old enough to be Demi's mother which is probably what you are alluding to. Get help.


No, you're a weirdo. And who are you to tell people what they can and can't mention on a board,? You've ruined this thread with all your irrelevant Susa Sarandon rantings. When will you get that everyone thinks you're a psycho nutcase?


More common than having a child at age 46 with a man twelve years younger.

At least a 46 year old is established and mature enough to actually care for a child. The same cannot be said for a 16 year old who irresponsibly makes a baby.
