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Demi still had clout when it was filmed in sat in the can for a while before "Paramount Classics" gave it a limited release of 122 theaters in May 2000.

Now WHY did this movie get a limited release? It's a very sophisticated, stylish movie and you can tell the director loved Demi because he gave her so many closeups and she was in every scene. This really could have been a comeback for her.

I think when a movie has limited release, it's because they know the general population will probably not bother to see it. Demi has not been a boxoffice draw. If you check the movies where she was the only well known name, those only did average or mediocre with the public. Movies that did well with her in it, always featured major stars with big boxoffice draw (Michael Douglas, Robert Redford, Jack Nicholson, Whoopie Goldberg, for example). Even Striptease, which you figure the subject alone would get guys in the theatre, it did well in Asia, but just so so in America.


those who experienced the film as they should forgot about Goldberg by the time they walked out of the theater.


And that's why Goldberg won an Oscar for the film....for being forgettable.

You're delusional, Demi.


those who experienced the film as they should forgot about Goldberg by the time they walked out of the theater.
To this day I still remember Goldberg performance more than Demi in Ghost

Now is the end of days and I am the Reaper:Silent hill


Of to anyone about this movie (with the exception of the idiot above us) and that is what always stands out, Whoopie Goldberg.
