MovieChat Forums > Bill Murray Discussion > I Would Pay Money To Punch Him in His St...

I Would Pay Money To Punch Him in His Stupid Face

God I want to punch this old fucktard in the face. Maybe in the gut just to see him double over in pain and then look up with teary eyes that seem to be asking "Why?"

In his comedy years he was known for being an egotistical ass. After Lost in Translation he tried to become a meme by showing up at events with random strangers and bask in the ass-kissing that he received

After his little dramatic renaissance post-Translation he tried to pull a Robin Williams and become an award-winning dramatic actor

It gave us such cinematic gems as Passion Play, The Monuments Men, St. Vincent, Aloha, and Rock the Kasbah

The closest he came to getting a major award after Lost in Translation was Hyde Park on Hudson, which has a sweet RT score of 37% lol


Are you channeling Chevy Chase in 1978?


Watch Chevy Chase's interview on Howard Stern about the tension between them. I knew very little about it but remember hearing inklings in pressing briefs over the years. Apparently Chevy is ready to bury the hatchet, but apparently Bill is still ready to punch and attack Chevy. LOL

Btw, the video's on Youtube


Okay, I'll check it out haha


Bill Murray never did anything nearly as good as Chevy Chase's Vegas Vacation

That buffet scene with Randy Quaid is pure gold


Agreed. Quaid and Chase both should have been given special Oscars for that scene.




Cousin Eddie is a painful reminder of the American Family dynamic and we won't admit it


"Bill Murray never did anything nearly as good as Chevy Chase's Vegas Vacation".

Please tell me you're kidding. For starters, Vegas Vacation is barely a C- movie.
Chevy Chase is NOTHING without a team of good writers. He has several funny movies on his resume....primarily Caddyshack, the first Vacation, and the first Fletch. But he also has countless flops. And...he's not naturally funny or even clever...the way Murray is.

For an example of Chase in interviews on talk shows. Much like WIll Farrell, Chase feels like he has to be "on" all the time.....but everything he says/does feels desperate and he's trying WAY too hard to do schtick.
Watch some video clips from Chevy Chase's (very short-lived) talk show. It's so bad it's uncomfortable to watch.

Conversely....Bill Murray, while certainly odd and eccentric, has quite a few HUGE hits on his resume...everything from comedy (Caddyshack, Ghostbusters, Stripes, Scrooged, What About Bob, Groundhog Day, Royal Tenenbaums) to drama (Razor's Edge, Broken Flowers, Lost in Translation) to art house (Coffee & Cigarettes, Rushmore, Ed Wood, etc...). He can write, he can act, produce....and everyone wants to work with him. He (and his brothers) are also naturally funny.

It's short-sighted to "want to punch him" because he's odd and difficult on the surface to understand. But if you look at his body of starts to get easier to appreciate a true artist at his craft. Comparing Murray to Chase is like comparing Robin Williams to Will Farrell. Not even in the same league. Not even close. Without a team of great writers, Chase is lost. Murray....IS the team of writers, and the actor.

There's a reason everyone at SNL loved Murray and couldn't stand Chevy. In fact...Chevy, to this day, isn't welcome back.
I'll give him this, he's good in certain roles.....but he's very limited. After 1 year at SNL....he started to think he was too good for the room....bought into his own hype. When he had to carry a talk was an eye-opener.


>> Much like WIll Farrell, Chase feels like he has to be "on" all the time.<<

Say hello to Steve Martin and the late Robin Williams. Liked them both, but I’ve never seen a straight appearance by Robin on a talk show, it was always his act on the show. Saw ONE with Steve Martin.

I just wanted to see both in a normal appearance. Talk about any ol’ stuff like others do. If anyone knows of such a Williams appearance on YouTube, please link it here.


There was a Conan O'Brien appearance that Robin Williams did right before his death that was a straight appearance


Hoping it’s online somewhere.


I did a quick search and it is not


Kingpin is a masterpiece.


I agree. Woody Harrelson and Randy Quaid really carried that movie


Bill Murray would beat your ass, even now at 70+ years old.

Also saw a pic within the last few weeks of Bill Murray and Chevy Chase hanging out together in one of the Carolinas. People on here arguing over a feud that ended decades ago. 🤣
