MovieChat Forums > Bill Murray Discussion > Requested "no condom service" from a pro...

Requested "no condom service" from a prostitute in NYC



Something similar happened a few years ago. Right at the time he was running towards an aids clinic in London, with a tank full of gasoline and a stick that was on fire, screaming about how he was going to clean things up around here.


I remember that innocent. He was deemed "rambunctious" by the clinic foreman.


But it's more fun without a condom


hahaha what a legend!!! Bill Murray is a fucking rockstar!!!!


playas gonna plays. bill asks, bill gets.


They have the dream life. They get everyhtign they want adn can have anythign they want i teh world.


why is this news? the horror of this mans hahahahah.

the wokefagtards will be spewing in mouth no doubts.


I heard you like to fuck dogs and drink pig cum, since we are just going to spread rumors based on nothing.


Now will rather continue with the crime series.
Was just in the mood to kill her husband. ☺


During filming of The Limits of Control (2009) Bill Murrays use of escorts and street walkers was taken to new heights. Even director Jim Jarmusch asked him to cool it. He is no stranger to woking girls.


it is funny. i never see bill murray as this kind of man!

i always picture him as humble family mans. he look like humble family mans who dont like disease hooker.

guess not hahahahahah



well at least he good actor!

give me good actor who sleaze balls (bill murrays) over bad actor who not sleaze balls (will ferrels).


Bill Murray comes from a time where actors were huge stars. A time when everything was handed to them. Every door swung wide open and woman, easy, sex, sex on tap, bareback was for the taking.

Now very few actors have any bodys ear except Dwayne Johnson when he had Joe Biden nominated and Jennifer Aniston when she demanded justice for G Floyd and negros of America.

In 2023 who cares about actors. They are just well paid gas station attendees.


"sex on tap"

hahahahah yes. funny saying! this is what famous man like murray get 24/7.
