MovieChat Forums > Jack Nicholson Discussion > Honesty, what do folks that rich do wit...

Honesty, what do folks that rich do with their money?

Lots of super-rich celebs have extravagant lifestyles. I'm not really talking about them. I'm curious what low-key Uber-rich dudes like Nicholson & Keanu do with it. They seem to live ridiculously below their means & seem more or less uninterested in their net wealth.

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Probably life a secure life in comfort.


Jack lives in a Mulholland Drive mansion and has a very valuable art collection. He probably drives a Mercedes S-Class (this seems to have been his car of choice) and dines in top restaurants. His lifestyle is only low key in the sense that he's not seen out and about so much nowadays and doesn't party like he used to. I think Keanu's the one with the (relatively) humble lifestyle.


He collects art.


What do you do when you're rich but too famous to go out and public? If I were Jack I'd"

1. Have a very nice house(s). Check
2. Have a very nice Mercedes or two. Check.
3. Have a lot of female companionship. Check
4. Collect very expensive things. Check
5. Do anything I wanted when I wanted. Check, Check, Check.

Shall we play a game?


Get themselves elected President of the United States. Word is Biden is thinking about running in 2020. I think Jack could beat him.




God, how I wish that had happened. Anything would be better than the Brandon mess we're stuck in.


Keanu loves Motorcycles, he even has founded a own motorcycle brand/company... not cheap but really nice bikes.


The irony is that Jack Nicholson, in his famous role as LA detective Jake Gittes, famously asks the ultra-rich Noah Cross(John Huston) something like: "What more can you buy? What can you possibly need that you don't already have?"

You could ask Jack the same question.

It is said that he has a house he bought for $500,000 loaded with multi-millions in art.


Can he buy a heart to house the homeless?


Oh, puke.
