MovieChat Forums > River Phoenix Discussion > The irony: he was planning to quit films...

The irony: he was planning to quit films anyway

It's strange to think that if River had lived, he may not have acted for the last 22 years. How would he have dealt with fans pressuring him into making a comeback in the entertainment industry? Do you think he would have succumbed to pressure and returned or been happy to see Joaquin make his mark instead? There's no doubt in my mind that River could not have faded into obscurity, primarily because My Own Private Idaho is such an iconic cultural moment as a paradigm of the alternative, akin to that of Nirvana. River was part and parcel, along with Kurt, of a specific 'wave' that is still talked of in reverent terms and held up as a kind of golden era. It doesn't really matter that they both died young, their contributions at that moment in time are still informing trends today. So, even if River had quit movies and not died young, I still think he would have to deal with the projections of people who absolutely idolised him.


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Call me cynical but I don't think River would have quit acting. Not right away anyway. He was slated to appear in Interview With a Vampire (do correct me if I'm wrong as I'm not a River aficionado) and that surely would have let to more high profile parts. He was savvy enough to mix roles in big budget features with roles in quirky, independent films which, to me anyway, indicates that he was mindful of his career and wanted a varied resume. I tend to think that in the years/months before he died, he was going through a phase of being sick of acting. I think it would have passed at some point.

While I also don't believe he would have faded into total obscurity, I'm not sure if he would have reached the same status as "Mythological Actor" that he has now. It's the James Dean syndrome - real talent that certainly deserves praise but mass projection of unfulfilled promise that might not have been indicative of what would have come to pass.

Had he lived, I think he may have had a career similar to Johnny Depp or Keanu Reeves. Probably more like Reeves as I can't imagine (or don't want to!) River becoming Mid-Life Crisis Man who looks like a slightly less weathered version of Keith Richards.


I think he would've taken breaks to focus on music. But not retire completely.


I think he would've taken breaks to focus on music. But not retire completely.


I don't believe he would have stopped acting. Some say he would have had many of Leonardo DiCaprio's roles but I see him more of having some of the ones Brad Pitt had, and other roles too.
Joaquin may or may not have made as many films as he has if River had continued. he may have chosen another path or only made a few. They could have done some together.


He'd have become a Pitt or DiCaprio. I really believe that. He had more range than most at his age. He could play the Pretty Boy OR the Tough Guy. He was a Star. It's a shame


i could totally see him directing artsy films.

I hated Jaws, it had too much shark, and dont get me started about King Kong, waaay too much gorilla
